Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre

Hi Dutchi, welcome to the H4 club, we may get around 5 trades in a week but they are mostly winners and help us avoid sitting infron of the screen for 10 hours daily…

Happy hunting

Hi Grix,

Thanks for your welcome!! Hope that mr Capre has the same thoughts (still). I admire his trading style a lot. That’s why my questions are more detailed. Hope he does not mind! But I think if you come to this forum, it is for the reason of learning people how to fish and not just tell them where the fish is. Nor with the intentions to sign up people for your courses.
In case of mr Capre I’m still convinced that his intentions are clear. Based on the webinars I do not have doubt, but as you know, on the internet it is not always as it seems!!

Hope we have a nice, constructive time here with the “4HR club” with a lot of interaction between the subscribers of this thread under supervision of a seasoned and successful trader as mr Capre is.

Happy pipping,

Got whipsawed on the intraday trades today, ended up a little in the negative, but I learnt from it and I shouldnt make that mistake again…

Best thing about trading - always learning and refining.


Hi Apex, remember no new trades five hours before major fundamentals…going by this all new trades will be placed on monday morning.
Nice weekend sir.

Hello Rob,

Glad you are liking this and I too hope it becomes a constructive thread for people to learn how to fish as well.

But good to have you aboard.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Yeah, quite a choppy day both pre-and-post NFP. Only Oil seemed to play it smooth and continue with its up trend.

I actually got stopped out by .8 pips, but that’s part of the game.

I cannot control those things at all - so not going to spend mental energy on what I cannot control.

Move on to the next trading week and nail the next one.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hmm… Thats something I should consider, although I love it when I get a news event right and watch a trade fly in my favour!

But yeah something to think about.


Sorry to butt in uninvited but I take NFP off - gives me a Friday off each month, and saves me being too close to the dividing line in the trading/gambling debate. Sorry for the unsolicited interjection after so long out of the thread! Good thread, very close to my style of trading, I’m sorry to have been more of a reader than a poster.


Hey Chris, .8 pips? You were hard done there mate… But yeah your right - this is all part of the game.

My first intraday loss in a while… I guess you cant win them all.


Uninvited? Everyones welcome Simon, glad our topics interest you enough to keep reading! Hope you contribute again soon.

But yeah, NFP for me is either a -1RR trade or a 3+RR play, so basically I dont mind trading news… Although I do try to avoid excess volatility.


Thank you.

I am getting back in the trading saddle, have taken paternity leave so only easing back in at the end of April.

Just one trade this week - short USD/JPY off the Double Top on the Daily.

Anyway, do hope to post more from next week on - definitely one of my favourite BP threads!

congrats, you’ll soon find you’re up early enough to trade the asian session too !!

Hi All,

On EURAUD, I took the H1 dark cloud cover off round number 1.2800 for a possible 2:1 r&r play but ended up w/ 17 pips gain after closing the trade 10 minutes before the major news.

This was my 2nd trade of the week. The 1st one ended up at BE.


Great trade there mate, well done.
Dont think I could ever take a break from trading (even paternity haha)… I enjoy what I do so much, every day is like vacation anyway… Trading can get lonely, thats why I coach football which allows me to interact with other people, whilst giving me another goal.


Lol, thank you - my boys are 4, 6 and 8, and now I have an eight week-old daughter; I pretty much think I’ll be awake for all sessions from now on!

Lol thank, and I know what you mean - I’m in my fourth year of full time, and when we take holidays I tend I take the laptop and trade EOD while I’m away. My kids are about the only thing I let take me away from it. It’s a lifestyle, not a job!

Coaching’s a great idea, retail trading can be solitary, you’re right, good to have other things going on.

But I’m with you - I’m a trader for life, now.

why did the double top form the top and the low in the place it did? thought about that, then the double top becomes less important to your trading and the reason for the double top becomes more important then the double top itself. Therefore your very intention to enter on the double top was formed after traders entered and took profits and the levels that resulted in them leaving a double top in there wake. Therefore does that mean for some simple reason traders set there take profit area some hour before on the high of the top! so by taking into account your reference to a double top being a major event for entry. For sure it was a good formation. But its a trade on the result of some clever traders leaving that formation in there wake. Trading is awesom

Hello Guys,

We have new members here. Welcome everyone.

I long UJ off the double bottom and NFP pushed UJ to further high. I am going to hold this long for a while. Hope you guys got some pips this week. See you on next week.


Hope you had a wonderful trading week. Nice to hear that you coach football. Apart from trading we must do something to relax our minds. Have a nice weekend my friend.

Had a great week mate, consistently making well over 10RR a week now, so im very happy with how things are going at the moment.

And yeah I agree, its important to pursue other things so you can keep sane… Theres definitely more to life than clicking “buy” or “sell” on a PC thats for sure, so try and get a balance.

Have a great weekend mate!


Hi Perry,

Great trade! I sold my long position just under the 99 by the first signs of rejections of the resistance around 99,20. Got a bit more than a 1:3 on that one.

Hi Apex,

Nice achievement!! Nothing is better than having consistency in your trading!! Is this only 4 hr trading or also intra day trading?

Have a nice weekend all.

Happy pipping,