Ma name is LILDRPSOFPIPS. What a name! But its cool with me.
I worked in the health industry for a little while.Some guy introduced me to the idea of FX trading. I cared less, yet I was very hungry. About a yr. later, I ran into someone else who gave me additional info. That was several yrs. ago. I decided to run with it.
I did not quite like the platform/broker that was working with me.
God led me to
These people are seemingly open, humorous and candid. In 4 months I learned most of what I now know in Forex from their school!!!
I am hoping to have the same pleasant experience trading through them ( and associating with their community genuinely in several ways in order to improve my lot, and for me to make a significant impact in this business. As a matter of fact, this is mostly what I’ve decided to do, and help others out.
I am counting on learning a lot, and tapping every bit of Knowledge that I need to succeed from our highly respected “600 year-old” pioneer, Dr. Pipslow, and every new and seasoned trader in this great community… I’m really glad to be in! Thank you.