Volume in the forex market

you are all stupid volume does not exist, purple you are crazy, never liked you either. Money, your just as bad…hell, I don’t even like my self now.

>>>>that is what I would have posted had I had the balls to see what your response would have been. Why are Saturdays so boring…

p.s. I actually love you all

We know this Jezz, but its does “indicate” consolidation… There isnt TRUE volume. Price is the True volume to me…

Hah yes, my Missus is away, so at a bit of a loose end :wink:

Aye, divergence don’t exist either :smiley:

Funny thing in Forex though, a lot of people can’t accept that things change, and that as a trader you do change and tinker with your strategy, some things work better at some times, and other things you gain more of an understanding and can apply better and maybe in a different way, in the way you view the market.

I mean, do you not want to make as many profitable trades as possible, do you not want to always chase that 100% a month return, and if you didn’t are you not selling yourself short?

Ok, 100% a month is not sustainable, simply because you don’t get the volatility to do it, but it can be done in a good market with some good trading and a bit of a following wind.

I disagree that Money never Sleeps though, it does, it goes to bed at 10pm on Friday (GMT) and doesn’t get out until Sunday night.

soooooooooo true Purp, so true

Double your money every 12 months, pahhh, I can do that running a business.

This thread is surely something I like to comment on…

Tick Volume does work. Yes we cannot deny the issue of broker falsifying data.

But here’s the thing. Almost all of us here are trying to find patterns in the market using past basic information such as :
Volume activity ticks
’Timeframes’ (subjective since time intervals don’t really exist)

The bottom line is that there is a certain pattern deduced from a mix of these basic information. It can be a unique mix (e.g. high vs low vs volume) or a common mix (e.g. high vs high). Certain mixes appear at a certain level of frequency that its worth looking into.

These mixes do not always tell us why the market moves, but it does tell us the market can move a specific direction based off past probabilility. ‘If you can’t tell the time, read the signs’.

If you can make your money out of something that is possiblity false, but extremely repeatable, would you really care about the authencity issue? Maybe, maybe not. After all, part and parcel of trading is indeed about sowing false information to lure weak players (LOL) No harm trying to find out more about the authencity issue IMO thou.

But as a trader, if its repeatable by research / backtesting/ forwardtesting, then keep trading it until is not repeatable. Then move on as necessary. Don’t be a one trick pony, but don’t close off to information worth looking into too. IMO trading is about finding edges all over the place. The moment a trader stops improving his edge and learning = game over. The market does evolve as much as the market participants do.

Al Pacino’s Inspirational Speech - YouTube

IMO if as a retail trader, if one does not take into consideration all possible basic information available = game over. Thats the reality. Trading retail is really the bottom of the market food chain. Once a newbie accepts this and decides to fight it, then we can really talk about the issue of brokers falsifying data -> correctly using what is still available -> finding and creating acceptable alternatives -> moving on the more ‘authentic’ information.

To round it up, do your own research to see what edge volume can offer you. If you can’t see it, its ok!

Orange Line = projected volume structure using averages from the last 120 x 5 H1 candles (rolling 1 month worth).
White Line = MA applied to volume to see momentum of activity
Gray Histogram = below MA
Aqua Histogram = above MA

Helps to keep myself out of stupid trades. This itself, preventing silly mistakes is a very good edge already. Do not underestimate it.

IMO I still think there are better ways to improve the volume structure footprint thou.