I am a full time trader as well as the owner of a trading room and signal service. I’ve invested $30k across about 10 accounts all trading different systems through the use of our trade copier (and my own manual trading).
You can check the verified status of my accounts here:
I will be showing all the new forex traders of the world that financial freedom can be achieved with a plan and persistence.
I will compound each of these accounts, aiming to achieve an average monthly return of approximately 10%. After 24 months the balance should be around $300k, in 36 months this compounds to over $1mil.
I’m also going to be posting a weekly update video on my account performance and my observations on each system. You can view all my updates on the my You Tube channel:
If you have any questions please feel free to get in contact.
To the webmasters here, please do not treat this as advertising. I’m not selling anything on this trading journal. I’m doing it to show what is possible through a variety of manual trading and leveraging off other professional traders.
This week was great with a nice $1,650 profit across the whole portfolio and 5% account growth.
The market volatility has been throwing up heaps of profitable trading opportunities. Hopefully this keeps rolling and I hit my monthly target of 10% account growth inside the first 2 weeks
I still trade manually, but it only accounts for about 8% of my portfolio now. But I’ve given up trading a large account and dealing with the stresses of having to rely on my own discretionary trading decisions for my regular income.
Things are continuing to go well. I made another $1,400 this week.
During this video I also address some peoples seemingly unrealistic expectations from the forex market.
A couple of our traders dropped into a small drawdown this week(less than 5%) however some people following the signals have been quick to cancel as a result.
The total portfolio is approaching the 20% profit mark. Currently on closed balance it’s at $5,700 (on $30k balance). Fingers crossed we can pass that mark during the week and Cyprus doesn’t rain on the parade!
So yeah it is an ego thing. Cudos being honest with that. I can respect an honest man. Good luck on your endeavors hope to see you accomplish it as you would be the first that I have seen anyway.
That’s good, I don’t mind that at all. I thought about it before, decided not to spend so much time convincing others it can be done and spend more time enjoying the benefits you get when you get it done if you know what I mean