Website feedback

Ingot, I was very critical of the new layout, that was until I became used to it.

It can still cause lack of continuity for inquisitive browsing in that threads seem to disappear each day but like I say I have become more familiar over time.

Thanks Peterma - that is also reassuring.
I was able to spend a bit of time here last night (12-14 hrs ago now).
My search was for “4H strategy” and a few Google references came up which made me blink "what is this?"
But I looked down the list and then the babypips threads came up.

Looks like there is nothing recent in the list, but I haven’t tried to sort it according to dates.
I like to look at everything that is posted here, but am only getting stuff that I have no interest in.

But I am not put off - I like this site and I know that there are still ‘goodies’ buried here somewhere.
I was a bit critical of the changes, but after being able to find what I wanted last night I realised I need to change how I search and the terms I use to search.

Ultimately it comes down to how committed I am to find what I want to see.
I WILL get there.