What actions should a trader always avoid?

YES, thanks for the advice

Trying to make up for losses by taking bigger risks. It often just leads to more losses.

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If it’s not your day just sit it out, simple.

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Focus on your trading plan is the best way to prevent this, thanks.

Yeah this right

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Avoid overtrading and jumping in without a plan, trust me, it’s a mess. Chasing losses and letting emotions drive decisions are huge no-nos. Don’t forget to factor in fees and spreads too. Stay chill and stick to your strategy

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Thanks for the advice !

I know and having a solid trading plan is so important. It’s just hard to stick to it sometimes.

I make sure to stick to my plan and avoid emotional decisions. Overtrading and risk management are definitely areas I need to work on too.

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yes, it is one the main issue I’m facing right now.