What are some things I should really try to avoid

I believe it is crucial to avoid excessive trading, especially when experiencing losses.

I share the belief that taking a break is advisable when facing consecutive losses.

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Avoid making trading decisions based on emotions such as fear, greed, or impatience.


That’s correct. Emotional management is an important skill in trading.


Avoid to lose yourself because of what others said.and listen very carefully to your inner voice


Trading is over once you lose yourself.

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I think you should avoid rushing into trades and do not wait for favorable market conditions.

  1. Being uneducated
  2. Keep a Trading Journal. Hard copy
  3. Write down your win loss ratio should be Fifty/Fifty
  4. Minor adjustments to your plan are necessary. (Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water)
    Good Luck and never give in.

I love that notion. It makes you invincible :bomb: :boom:


I think one of the most important things to avoid is overtrading.

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Yes, emotional managment is a crucial aspect of trading.

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They are really helpful.

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  1. Don’t jump in blindly: Always have a reason to enter a trade.
  2. Avoid emotional trading
  3. Imlement risk management, always!
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Learn and practice. Develop modest realistic goals. Fully understand risk management and your own make-up to cope with multiple losses (it will happen). Seek to match your approach to trading with your lifestyle to avoiding losing interest over time. There’s much more but that’s a start.


Yes, keeping a trading journal and analyzing your win/loss ratio are beneficial practices to track performance and identify patterns.

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Following the principles you mentioned can significantly improve trading experience and help to navigate the markets with a more disciplined and rational mindset.

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It is crucial I think by managing risk effectively, you protect your trading capital from significant drawdowns and ensure a more sustainable and disciplined approach to trading.

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:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Those are some awesome points you made there. Thanks a bunch! I’ve been trying to learn for a few months now, but honestly, I haven’t been super organized or disciplined about it. But, I’m giving it my best shot! Gotta keep pushing forward, you know?! :blush:

The key is to stay persistent and committed to your goals. Being organized and disciplined in your learning process can significantly improve your progress and understanding of the markets.