What are your consistent profits, monthly?

That question has been asked and answered (sort of). Trading is a skill based activity. How much you can make per month depends on your skill level and account size. I don’t have any statistics to provide you but my guess is that most profitable traders can generate 5 - 6% per month with very little risk. There are a few who generate considerably more than that.

It will take you considerable time to acquire good trading skills if you don’t have a mentor to reach out to. Most people on this forum will tell you that you can learn how to trade on your own, without help from a mentor. While that is true, it will likely take you years before you get to a point of consistent profitability. You can pay with your time or you can pay money and save time. The choice is yours. See my post at the link below for additional thoughts on what you can look forward to on this journey.

What are you hoping to achieve? Do you have any trading experience? Are you willing to put in time and effort toward this endeavor?