Exactly what we were all thinking, I’m sure.
Exactly what we were all thinking, I’m sure.
Your “R” is far too high: I really doubt very much indeed whether any retail trader has ever traded profitably, over the long term, with a reward-to-risk of those proportions.
You keep asking the same question, and all the experienced traders who respond keep giving you the same answer.
You come across as maybe someone who’s been fed misinformation about reward-to-risk so consistently that the misinformation’s become a belief. If so, it’s going to prevent you from trading profitably until you give it up and/or learn different things.
No criticism implied at all. We were all once where you are now, and are trying to help, whenever you ask.
But the answers (from the people here who know what they’re talking about, three of whom have already replied above) aren’t going to change.
There are two big things for you to learn, here (in this order of importance):
You need to trade with a much, much more realistic “R”
It doesn’t follow that you’ve done something wrong because a trade loses (although, in fact, with the examples you’ve asked about so far, you have, and what you’ve done wrong is explained in point 1 just above)