What do you guys look like?

These are the faces of millionaire traders!!!

BTW Jado911 I take my eggs over easy and a large coffee

Damn Clint! You got some good eyes!

The sofa seat cushion had me fooled for a while, but I gave up, and decided he was behind the camera:p

That camp was from the civil war Era… hope you have a good doctor :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s me pickin the geetar. Posed of course, trying to make it look like something from back in the 30s.

Good try guys, I hadn’t even thought about the behind the camera thing. Here is a real pic of me getting ready for some intense trading…or hiding behind plants:D

Ok, as long as we’re doing costumes…here’s me…:smiley:

I was born in the year of the tiger too :slight_smile:

These pics will give everyone fun image in their heads of us trading in our “costumes”. Fun stuff!

Nice thread and nice idea.

Here’s me (when I had money, a fancy car, and Ray-Ban’s):

(I still have the Ray-Ban’s)!!! LOL!!!



Edit: as a matter of interest how are you people placing your pictures WITHIN the message body itself??? I’ve seen this done with charts too (not that I advocate it) and I’ve never been able to figure out how it’s done (you’d never guess that I was in the IT business for over twenty years now would you)!!! LOL!!!

Good Sunday morning, Dale

Regarding posting images, the general answer is: upload your image to an “image hosting” site, then download it from that site to the Babypips forum.

I believe there are several image hosting sites which you might look into, but I’ve used only [B]Photobucket[/B]. I’m very satisfied with Photobucket — it’s free, and I’ve had no technical problems with the site. I’ve downloaded a lot of images from there to Babypips.

As for image capture, you can always use Windows Paint. But, I like [B]SnagIt[/B]. The newest version of SnagIt is not free, but older versions are still available (for free) on the internet. Here’s a site where you can download SnagIt v.8.1.0. This is the version I use, and I see no need to pay money for a newer version. Download SnagIt - Old Version.com

When you’re set up with SnagIt (or an equivalent image-capture app.) and Photobucket (or an equivalent image-hosting site), then you would go through the following steps to post a chart:

(1) use SnagIt to capture a screen-shot of your chart

(2) use SnagIt to re-size, crop, mark up, or label the chart image you have captured, as needed

(3) save the image, in its final form, to a file in your computer (I have a file called “Screen Shots” in My Documents)

(4) open Photobucket, click “Upload Image”; a window will appear linking to your computer; scroll through this window until you find the file where you have stored your image; scroll through that file until you find the image you want to upload, and click on that image; then click “open” to launch the upload

(5) when Photobucket has uploaded your image, it will appear (in a small, thumbnail size) on the Photobucket page; hover your cursor over the image, and a drop-down menu will appear below it; click on “direct link”; a URL will be highlighted in blue; right-click on this URL, and left-click “copy”

(6) open the Babypips forum; in the composition box (where you type your message) find and click the yellow icon marked “insert image”; a drop-down window will appear; clear (delete) the highlighted blue text; in its place, paste the URL you copied from Photobucket; click “ok” and the URL will appear in the composition window, bracketed by the code ; if desired, you can move the URL around within your message, just as you would any ordinary text; if desired, you can center your image, using the “align center” icon; preview your post, to make sure it’s what you want, and you’re ready to submit your post to the forum.

(7) do not remove this image from your Photobucket “album” — otherwise, it will disappear from the Babypips forum; however, once a copy of the image resides on Photobucket, you can remove that image from your computer, if you choose to.

Hey thanks Clint,

I know we’re slightly off topic here but that information will be handy to many. I for one don’t advocate placing charts IN the message body i.e. it just slows down the display of the message itself and some people have posted some HUGELY wide charts here and the end result is a screen that ‘jumps around’ while you’re scrolling through the thread which I personally find annoying. Adding charts as attachments is better in my opinion i.e. if I WANT to look at an attachment I can ‘opt’ to do so whereas having a chart ‘shoved in my face’ annoys me!!! LOL!!! But: that’s just me of course!!! LOL!!!



great pics!!!

romad7 where are you I can’t see you???

sweetpip nice costume

Dale nice shades :smiley:

You guys look awesome

Yeh but: I’m envious of YOUR picture Johnny!!!

I’m gonna stand RIGHT THERE one day!!!



I have another one lol!!! I wasn’t going to post it but I think I am. I hope I don’t get an infraction lol!!!

[B]Okay now cough![/B]

ROTFL Now that’s a good pic!

ok here are some, you have to guess which is me… hint I like to shoot billiards although the shotgun blast makes a mess and all I can ever find are their eggs and man those things are hard to crack…


That’s a lot of bull.

I’m glad he’s anatomically correct.

(I hope your “bull” post doesn’t go the way of your “Canadian currency” post.)

(I hope your “bull” post doesn’t go the way of your “Canadian currency” post.)

lol!!! you saw that. I figured I better change it besides Im pretty sure they weren’t real.

**edit. The money I mean :wink:

just a shot in the dark…

i seldom post on babypips anymore, i’ve become more of a lurker but i just could not resist posting on this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

just dont laugh at the lack of facial hair!

i think id rather not put one of myself, haha!