What do you think is one strength you have as a trader?

Good for you. Very importante set of skills for a trader.

In my case, discipline and patience. I manage to stay loyal to my rules. Still improving my method, but enjoying the ride!

Your flirting miss :sweat_smile: what are you in, asset management?

Not giving up yet? I don’t even know if i consider that a strength or just a hole i have dig myself into.


It;s that bad or you want to tell me what your in so maybe were able to have a conversation about the one another, enjoy your evening, feel free to pm me, intriged

No thanks, i will survive.

that’s exactly what I do, good answer LOL

Hello, friends! I periodically think about my strengths and weaknesses as a Forex trader to become more successful. And I can say that one of my strengths is the ability to delay decision making. This is a very positive factor in trading. For me, this means handling things calmly and being disciplined. I do not have to commit rash acts this minute and can wait for the right moment for action. This is equally convenient for both trade and real life. Currently, I began to notice that I am looking for reasons NOT to enter the market. And only in the absence of any grounds that impede trade, I open a position. The market no longer puts pressure on me, and I try not to be influenced by my own emotions. I have to wait for the right conditions.


Thanks for the advice! :thinking: maybe that is what i need.

Well this attitude is just for Forex, not in real life!
I am a part-time trader and a part-time candle maker.


that’s something on another genre, so how did you get to forex

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I get this a lot. Well, my husband was a trader as well so thats how I grabbed some interest. To be honest, I never really thought that I would be doing this but…

carries an intrige, kinda a románce on own following the bolinger

Really good summary

I think it is an ability of thinking outside the box and be able to produce creative solutions. To invent trading algorithms I would say knowledge has less importance than creativity.

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As someone who 100% automated and worked at a bank that is so true!!:grin::joy:

@Jugore @ontario What is it with today people are dropping gems of truth!

Haha, not sure that I understand this.

the pretty colors on the candlesticks, long story;’:high_heel:the stars and the moon

if you say so!

letted go for a moment, things happen