What do you think of this forex school JF lennon?

I am a student in this so call SCAM class - VN JWT2 of JFlennon. I was also being taught by Jimmy Wong and TK (instructor).
TK is the man took the whole course and Jimmy like a super hero just jumped in only when he showed up 2 strategies:

  1. JWT
  2. Royal Flush.

TK personally I think he is a good man and after realized that JFLennon institute is just a collection of Scammer earning money by cheating people and fake data of history, he left JFL.

In my class JWT setup was a little bit different with what some man in this topic was talking about. I think every class they provided different number of SMAs but basically they used 2 SMA (fast and slow). When they were teaching us, they told us to use FOREX.com and after many months of LOSING MONEY they said that those a NON PERFORMING months and they changed the slow SMA number and change to TCForex.com.
Unbelievable things is when showing us these technique in class, they asked us to practice in March, May 2012. In those months these strategies won >60% >70% but after a long run everything just become 50/50 setup.

In my class there is a young friend of mine who is very good at programming and he coded a bot to check what is the WIN/LOSS ratio. NO SURPRISE, R:R is 50/50.

They created a fan page for every class that they earn money from and call it a FREE mentor. In those box, JFLennon are god, if you say anything making them not happy, they will ban and remove you immediately. Friend of mine was removed just because Jimmy Wong was not happy with him and was banned without any caution and removed from that box which they said the class has 1 month hold hand instruction after 3 days of training course in a 4-5 stars hotel.

In class we have always been told that if price hit Stop Loss, say THANK to the market and if the price go to Take Profit, let go to Jimmy Wong fan’s page and say THANK to him that we made TP. That’s why if you are new to Jimmy Wong, you will never see anyone complain of SL on Jimmy Wong fan-page.

This made a wrong assumption of all student from this class ALWAYS win money.

They asked us to practice in winning months and after all they asked for testimonial so that they can put in to Babylons.com.vn and JFLennon website.

Off course we all were very happy and think that after paying 5k Singapore dollar we could earn 1 million dollar like Jimmy Wong did so that we all put very good testimonial onto a pierce of paper that they will use to cheat new student to get more money without any shame!

Before starting the class, they asked us to sign on a contract that we can’t tell anyone about these strategies, and they all JFLennon’s asset > bull**** !

At the end of the course they showed us a video telling us their mission is to spread their strategy to the whole world and transform the world to 1000000 millionaire.

After many months of live trading, we were beginning with a big ambitious to become millionaires and end up with a feeling of being DONKEYS hahaha !!!

Link for those who are from VN and want to search more info about these scammer class:


You can easily see that JFLennon , JWT strategy, Royal Flush strategy, Jimmy Wong are all SCAMMERS !!

Their posh style with shining clothing, super car, bikes are all from student money !

Investment is a long term matter. It’s not like you make an investment and you will definitely profit from such. Supposing you agree with this statement, unless you have no knowledge of what the term “investment” is defined as. If you have friends working in the banks especially those in private banking investment products, there is no definite way of doing an investment and profiting from it ALL the way. Therefore there are bound to have NON PERFORMING months. All forms of investments carry risks, if you can be so good to name one that does not have risk. There will be no poor people in this world. So think about it CAREFULLY.

How the strategies are form, you wouldn’t know, I wouldn’t know. Unless personally you are a Forex trader yourself and have a profitable strategy, you can always show your own results to prove you are the REAL DEAL and not simply hiding behind words, behind the computer screen and rant all you like about how much dissatisfactory you have.

Whether a bot can check win/loss ratio, I’m sure the function works. But how much probability is it that the results generated even are accurate. Trades can only be detected as possible setup and would seem valid but in actual fact it may not be. I’m sure JF Lennon has a list of trade setups that is taken into consideration to be able to derive the profitable returns (last 12 months). If I doubt JF Lennon’s method of deriving the percentage of profit returns, what makes you think that we should also believe your way of deriving the percentage of profit returns?

Pardon me but can you enlighten where in babylons.com.vn shows the testimonial that you are talking about? How do you relate practising in winning months and testimonial links? Showing proof of what is written in the testimonial would be better in convincing the public here as there’s a possibility that testimonial can be talking about how good and useful the course is?

i think you are seeing things too much on the surface. If it’s so easy to build millionaires, building wealth is will not an easy path for everyone, you will see millionaires everywhere! You need some serious thinking there and not just on plain facts of jealous talks.

ffasfasfsaafsfs, you sure you are from the VN JWT2 class??? did you enter the wrong room?

I had attended the same class and my result is good. I have more wins then loss. I very happy for my result. My wife is also very happy that I can now help support the family financially. I have another friend who had attended the next JWT course after me. Few minutes ago, I just called and checked with him… I am very sure that we were taught the same strategies with the same SMA lines.

I not sure why you want to say so many false accusations against Jimmy Wong. If it is something personal and you have no prove, please do not do it over here. Thank you.

I wonder if u are a student in JFL or a JFL-Babylons staff ?
I’m in VNJWT2 class and I have lost my money, too. IN VNJWT2, more than half of them were failed in trading with this stratery. I’m agree with ffasfasfsaafsfs: JFL and JimmyWong is scammer.

It’s a personal choice whether to attend school. I have trader friends who actually went to FX1 Academy in Singapore before which was later on bought over by FXPRIMUS’ parent company PRIME Mantle. So these days by joining a Forex Broker, you actually get free education and coaching service on the menu which are more lucrative.

It’s just a matter of time when all these academies are bought over by rich Forex brokers or die down.

I wonder if you are from Vietnam. Your english and the grammer used are too obvious that you are a Singaporean. this keeps me wondering if you are telling the truth. I do not represent JFL or JFL-Babylons staff however the way you speak and ffaxxxxxxxxxx speaks, both of you are identical. this sounds more like both are the same person.

being a reader in this forum, i think the readers here are pretty intelligent so do not insult any readers here with your fake identity and nonsense. You can’t even lie properly and you expect the readers here to believe you?? i have so many Viet friends and i respect them very much. Their English are so-so because of the way and method been taught in their country. Their grammer and tenses got mixed up so it is very impossible that you are from Viet.

so who is the scammer here?

i have doubts when i read you posts thus whatever you said doesn’t make any sense to me.

ffasfasfsaafsfs and QuangDK,

Vietnamese and lost money? IF, and it’s only IF, you guys are really Vietnamese and joined JF Lennon courses, i think you are definitely lying through your teeth.

Because if you really are, you would have STFU and cheering or celebrating now becuz JF Lennon’s students, be it Vietnamese, Singaporean, Malaysian, Chinese, Cambodian, American, Canadian or any other countries, they have been profiting and are making loads of money especially right now when market is very volatile.

Open your eyes and see from Jimmy Wong’s fanpage. There’s cheers for TPs and even JW himself apologize when his personal trade call SL.

You lost loads of money, i can only say either u have a personal grudge against JW and JFL, or you are unable to understand the strategy which had already been very simplified. Sorry, stupidity is hopeless, it has no cure. And that is why u r an obvious Vietnamese-poser trying to ruin the image of pleasant vietnamese students who had been very supportive and making loads of money.

Get a life dude~ Such a simple strategy and u cant handle it, u must have failed big time in your life. oh wait, do u have one? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You guys are trying to do what? To make other people Believe in the so called MONEY GROW ON TREE strategy? 4000 USD to buy 2 strategies and become billionaire ? 1st one is short SMA cut long SMA, second is going reverse the trend after many same color candles? You are from FL or Babylons.com.vn ?

Do u ( whatever you are JFL or Babylon) think you are smarter than us?

Anyone in this forum want to know detail of these strategies? PM me! I will share and let you test them ! FREE !
You don’t need any brain cell to back test and find out these are all 50/50 strategies!

Still don’t believe me? Okay, I will share my photos of these strategies with JFLennon notebook name on it which is very good made. Off course, it is what 4k for.

Now, what do you say about VMese? You guy come to VN, cheating us, stealing money from us, and now you say what? Don’t you feel shame for what you have done? If not, you son/daughter will pay for all the bad thing you have done to us! We will curse both JF Lennon and Babylon men and women.

Just you and me:

JFL staff! Babylon.com.vn personnel! I know how you feel brother/sister!

It’s a feeling of other people will never join your class and as a result you can’t make any dirty money more!

Tell me why TK the instructor left you! Did he feel guilty after realize that he is earning dirty money leading by big fat man name Jimmy Wong?

How do you feel after earning money from us? Happy? Excited? Satisfied?

You all will pay for what you have done to us! Living dirty lives and call that is your lives!

Wake up people, still don’t believe me and still trust on the guys who is looking into your pocket with greedy eyes, try to use google translation for this link


Translate from VN to EN, this is also big argument started from a boy/girl from Babylons.com.vn, tried to impress other people and pay money to go to JWT mastery course which is organized by BBL in Rex hotel in Lê Loi street.

Starter of the thread is Babylons personnel and he/she was facing other student from VN JWT 1 class. After 24 pages of arguing and babylons was left behind with the reality of angry students who is finally knower that they were scammed.

Now what? Try to lead your potential students to look at our grammar ? English problem ? Want to CALL me to verify that I am VNmese? Go ahead, pm me and I will give my phone number!

Now what? Why your potential student only see other say TP but never complain about LOSS.

Because YOU, JIMMY WONG, told us to BELIEVE, asked us to TRUST, and only say THANK, after the set up hit STOP LOSS.


Because if any people complain you your Facebook you will BAN them forever.

Because after the course you asked us what to do if we hit SL many times, your answer is Respect the market, then you jumped in and said this month in a NON PERFORMING MONTH!

We did not taught that we are trading with professional trader, who does not trade the way you taught:find a setup, enter , fix the TP/SL, and wait for the money to grow on tree!

For those who are still don’t believe:

JFL says their strategies is from months and years of researching!!!

Yeah, do they have a research team ? Look to their web page and THINK before PAYING your money.

Use your head before your hand buddy.

Hi ffasfasfsaafsfs

I think the school should have had a research team. Had tried to google who invented “Moving average” technique, below is the finding

“MOVING AVERAGE. This technique for smoothing data points was used for decades before this, or any general term, came into use. In 1909 G. U. Yule (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 72, 721-730) described the “instantaneous averages” R. H. Hooker calculated in 1901 as “moving-averages.” Yule did not adopt the term in his textbook, but it entered circulation through W. I. King’s Elements of Statistical Method (1912).”

Don’t know how the coach can make a contact with the inventor to get his approval to claim this is the proprietary trading technique own by the coach

The other candlestick (RF) startegy trading on countertrend, it is very similar to TomDemark TD Sequential indicator which was published as early as 2005 by “Currency Trader” Magazine.

In research, if you are taking other’s algorithm to modify or change the parameters, you can only claim you are taking other’s IP as a reference.

If we try to seach moving average crossover trading system from forexfactory, babypips and forextsd, it returns more than 1000 results, some with EA (automation trading program running on MT4) and backtest available for FREE.

If you are lazy to seach, you will find every MT4 trading platform you install at your computer, it comes with a FREE Moving Average CrossOver trading EA. You can judge if you want to pay 5K (could be more) to get it… The simple question here is if purly trading Moving Average Crossover can become millionarie, why it is available for free everywhere???

All skills is about mastery and it takes a journey. Do you know what u want and are you getting into something u want or u illusioned about?

I am a student of JFL since Nov 2012 and I am very sure that Jwt strategy was taught the same to everyone. Yes recently there was an update on the strategy and Mr Jimmy Wong & JFL provided the updates to all students for free. This is the kind of lifetime support which they have promised.

I totally agree that FX trading is not 100% TP and definitely not risk free. There is no investment in the world that promise 100% no risk. JFL already stated very clearly that not all trades will TP, definitely there will be profit trades and loss trades. Of cos there will be profitable and non profitable months. But clearly enough for 1 year investment, with JFL strategy (10%) + right money management (30%) + right Emotions (60%), we can make a considerable amount of profits.

I do not see the point of personal attack. Very simple, if you choose to believe JFL and Mr Jimmy Wong you choose to believe, if you have doubts about it then just forget about it and trade your own strategy.

Personally I believe in JFL and Mr Jimmy Wong for very simple reason that I have made profits using what was taught by them. My account is the solid proof.

WOW! So many posts on the same matter over and over again. seriously is it a marketing tactics by other forex schools and try to bring down this school reputation so that it benefits other forex school?

also, i don’t understand why u talk about moving average function that comes with the platform. so it’s platform software that has moving average function and if to make use of it to create strategy is wrong? of cos we amateurs who dont know how to trade forex, don’t know how to use the platform can try to come out our own strategy but everything is trial and error.

I maybe one of the people who might try to learn myself and create some strategy but I’m not sure if i should do that. What if i think my strategy works but in the end if it doesn’t work and cause me to lose a lot of money, it becomes pointless too.

In such cases, going to a forex school that teaches real quality stuff helps, isn’t it?

QuangDK. Jimmy is right. if we want to be a good trader we got to be careful of our emotion and money management. seen like more than half of the class could not manage this two attributes well enough. The strategies that we learn is very precise. but if you not sure how to apply, you will also hit SL. the problems lies in ourselves.

My account is doing well. The strategies is doing well, also. so, if the problems lies in the students… we cannot blame Jimmy and JFL and call them a scammer. It is not fair for them.

Hi, I am a student of JF Lennon and I have been trading JF Lennon strategies for more than a year already. I must say that I am satisfied with the skills and strategies that the school has taught.

As mature adults and individuals, we need to understand that forex trading contains an element of risk. The risk arises because no strategy can give a 100% winning probability. As humans, we are affected by emotions like greed and fear while trading in the market. Mastering these emotions is a lifelong struggle for all forex traders. Money management is needed to manage the risk that these emotions pose to us, as well as to protect the account from the strategy’s non-performing periods.

Trading forex is a choice that we make. However, blaming other people for one’s own failures in their personal forex trading endeavour is irresponsible.

I am also a student of JFL n have been trading for almost a year. So far i am more than happy w my profits gained from the school’s strategies. I do not have prior trading experience n have not learnt from other schools, so i am purely using all that i have learn from JFL in my trading.

I have also helped out at a few JWT classes n i can assure that the strategies taught have always been consistent. I do not understand why some people are making groundless accusations n defaming Mr Jimmy Wong n JFL.

JFL also provided lifetime updates on the strategies to its students free of charge, i can also assure this as i have just received an update of the strategy recently as the market evolving, thanks to their R&D team who is always monitoring the market n the effectiveness of the strategies.

As Mr Jimmy Wong mentioned in his showcases straightforwardly n honestly that if one is thinking of a get-rich-quick strategy/becoming a millionaire right after the course, then this school may not be the school for u. Forex trading is a MASTERY. It takes time to master it, not just the strategies n the skills, but more imptly managing one’s emotions.

One should also be aware of the risks, even when u sign up for JWT class, JFL did brief u abt the risks involved in Forex Trading. N of cos there is no 100% winning strategies, if there is, pls let me know cos i also wanna learn that, n then there wont be any poor people ard anymore.

If you have taken the course n is not doing well, I’m sorry to say but perhaps u should check ur emotional management n money management, since it affects 90% of our trading results, instead of blaming the 10% which are the strategies learnt from JFL.

Lastly, I just wanna share that i know Mr Jimmy Wong personally, his skillset is incredibly solid n extremely accurate. As a mentor, he is also v kind n patient. I have no regrets taking the courses from JFL.

[B]I find it very strange as a neutral that all these people only attacked JFLennon, why not attacking other forex school? I think it is more a personal attack than anything else.
In addition, from the posts of many supporters i read from this thread and those supports from Jimmy Wong facebook page, it further tell me that these people are attacking JFL and Jimmy Wong simply because of personal agenda. [/B]

[B]Of course, we are only here discussing JFL FX course, as the subject of this tread states it clearly. If anyone would like to reveal the truth of other Scam course from other FX school, just creates another thread, you will see a lot of cristicism[/B] :17: [B]and praising[/B] :wink: [B]from the students and school marketer[/B] :16: [B]as well[/B]