What do you use for news

What does everyone use for news now at pip daddy no longer is providing session news updates? I’m talking about free also.

I was also wondering this.

No one? Are we all lost now without pip daddy?


As a long term trader I don’t use the news.


What is long term in your view? How long do your trades last? 1 week? 1 month? 3 months? 1 year?

Not a year. But I hold trades anywhere from a week or so to a few months.

I may be aware of the classic news items forex traders watch. But I stay away.


Most of the time, I use the news update on the platform of my broker for quick news review.

Hmmm i really do wish Pip Daddy was still doing the news reports. My trades are a few days to a few weeks typically. I use Forex Factory’s calendar to see the events and the times its just i am not able to read about what happened :frowning:

One of these news sources might help you fill in the blanks:

Clint, this is very nice list of good Forex websites where good news and charts can be found. I am also using few of them. However, I am also relying on other sources like Reuters and Bloomberg, and some insights from my broker