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I’m in with you guys, got stopped out once so having another go on the cable long @ 1.62225

yeah, the signal was based on trend indi, but was very weak. I just tried it :wink: Trend indi is based on momentum candles, it calculates signals from single candle and last three candles together. It works nice and I dont have to combine the candles in my head. It just helps to visualize things. But it is not a topic of this thread.

To my hedging: I use 3 accounts with different leverage and trade 4 pairs with every account. Simply I dont use SL, instead I hedge the position if it goes 50 pips against me. When this happen I look for another opportunity to average the hedged orders. Then you need to make only 50 pips to be at BE and that is not so big problem, so my loss is not full 50 pips, but only spread. The rest is just proper risk management. But of course you have to know what you are doing and have very good entries. It works for me, so I use it :slight_smile: I post some example if it happens.

Edit: …and yeah, you cannot do this over and over again in one direction :wink: It depends on money management, how many pairs you trade and how much you are willing to risk/gain per 30, 50 or 100 pips…it seems very complicated, but it is actually not at all, just a basic math.

I don’t know how ClarkFX, et al do it… thought I’m doing/looking for all the right things, yet I’m down 8% this month… (of a tiny practice account). Just focusing on LO & NYO…


Take her easy Auto, you’ll get there and handling drawdowns is a really important goal en route to successful trading so count yourself lucky to have the opportunity :54:

LO is by far my worst session and LC is my best so if I were in your shoes now I might be in a similar situation, but at the end of the day I want to crack all the sessions so it’s low leverage on LO for me. Stick with it mate and share any LO insights when they occur, I’d love to hear a few.

EDIT: You know I’m only joking about counting yourself lucky on the drawdown Auto, over the net it’s hard to know if someone is just a bit ticked off or properly frustrated.

Hey Auto, l also thought I was doing/looking for all the right things but I was getting nowhere … the outcome of my “trades” was pretty random (I have to admit at this point that I’m not even using a demo account yet, just going through past data and pressing the F12 key to move through candle by candle).

However I have been watching the videos again and am picking up some nuggets that completely passed me by first time round. For example in the 9th March video at round about 25 minutes ICT is talking about directional bias. He says so long as there is no key s/r level in the way, you could just trade in the direction of the daily market flow, only selling in the sell zone and buying in the buy zone, during kill zones only, using OTEs.

I scaled back to this very simple idea and suddenly my “trades” have become consistently successful.

Cheers Jaroon & Pipbit,

I will pass on any nuggets as soon as I am consistent, until then I’ll keep my “words of wisdom” to myself and save anyone else getting dubious advice.

Pipbit - thats cool, I kind of get a bit lost with all the other info, think I’ll go back to basics with your re-discovered simple rule. V good.

GLGT everyone!


Hey Pipbit. I feel the same way as you. When you watch the videos again you pick up things that you’ve missed. GLGT to you :slight_smile:

I’ve been look at the fiber lately at the daily chart and I’ve been thinking in the terms of swing highs and swing lows. So i drew a fib like this to see when it’s buying time in the fiber, since it’s currently falling.

This is what i got;

Imageshack - otefiber.jpg

So i’m interpreting right now ( this is a daily chart) that price is heading into " OTE area" which would reasonably be an indication of going long?

Now, if price is in this area, the daily chart is a bit unpractical for deciding an entry, so we go to the 4 chart and look what’s happening there…

We can also see here more clearly that price is currently in the OTE area.

Imageshack - 4hourchart.png

Now let’s look at the 1hour chart;

This one i interpret ( i might be mistaken) as a bearish something, don’t know what it’s called;

Imageshack - 1hourchartote.png

Now for finetuning an entry we take a peek at the 15 min chart, currently price is 40 pips away from the 1.4200 level, i remember ICT speaking of that even price levels act like [I]magnets[/I] ?

So I would anticipate that the current level for entry would be around 1.4200?

Imageshack - 15minutesote.png

So what do you think?

I’ve been trading with a 500 euro account on 10 / 1 leverage & it’s quite hard, Oanda makes me trade with .3 lots then when I eventually lost 50 euro I had to trade with .4 minimum lot size & no option to scale out of trades, so I pushed the capital up to 2000 euro & can now scale out, Just need a winning trade now… :rolleyes:

Anyone know if ICT is still going to post the other Video’s today. I haven’t seen him on here lately. I’m looking really forward to the London Open Video.


Hahaha, I’ll take that as a compliment Autodidact. Thanks :slight_smile:

And don’t worry your analysis was spot on, I was long as well, and was stopped out a couple times last night as well. It happens, just got to keep your head up and keep at it :slight_smile:

PS. Got myself a losing trade to share with everyone now, yes I’m human too. -_-


Fiber back to its London Close best tonight! Daily OTE at 1.4220 where there was a confluence of Monthly MS1, just shy of Weekly S3, and Daily S3 (GMT pivots). Retraced 15% of the daily range to set up for OTE entry, but shot over the low by 3 pips - SL didn’t get triggered, and price retraced the full 38%.

Where did all this volatility come from? Did somebody forget that it is Non-farm payrolls tomorrow?


I’m looking forward to it as well to see what I’m not seeing on the EUR/USD

Per ICT’s methods I took a look at last week’s high and low and then did a midpoint analysis. I found that the high last week was at an institutional level of 1.4500 and the low was at 1.4325. Based on that, this week, I’ve been staying out of the ranging levels between the midpoints. However, the spike up at the beginning of the week is really throwing me off. It seems that a new high was established and now a new low. I did all the pivot analyses and looked for confluences but in reality I was expecting a boune somewhere between 1.4550 and 1.4326. It still hasn’t happened.

Good thing I’m still in demo mode, but am I analyzing this incorrectly?

Here is my view,

From the 19th of august there was hughe distribution taking place (look at the 4h charts divergencies fiber/cable) till august 30th. Then they all let it go. The fiber dropped and the smart money blew out all the resting stops made at and after august 19th. They might use the NFP of tomorrow to drive price back up and brake the highs of the 27th tomorrow or early next week …who knows…

Hi Guys, I’m new to this forum and have found some amazing info. I’m gradually working my way through the ICT videos and tools and I have a question. I’m a bit confused with the pivots. I notice he sets his up with a -5 as he lives in the east. I’m on the pacific coast so thought mine would be -8. However, I’m noticing the time at the bottom of Metatrader 4 is not my local time. I have the London open as midnight my time but when I place a vertical line at midnight its a third of the way through the daily pivots? Can anyone help me set this up correctly? Thanks in advance and I hope to share some successes soon. Thanks.

Hey everybody,

here is my analysis of the LO today. Price traded above TT 2 weeks ago and fall down and wasn’t able to push through equilibrium since then and dropped sharply down after reaching it once, signaling that trend was still down. Came near to the neckline of the H&S Pattern so I expected a break of it today. The day before yesterday was a normal range day, I expected a higher range today, set my TP to ADR and missed it by 10 pips. My entry had only a 17 pips SL and I ended up with 82 profit at the end of the day, worth about 10% of my account. Normally I set my target 10 pips away of the levels I watch, but today greed hit me and took away 40 pips of profit. 10 pips away was exactly hit ;( Still a good trade for me :slight_smile:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

For tomorrow’s LO I’ll keep my bearish bias - High of August trading low into mid September, following the H&S Pattern. Here’s a picture of the higher TF analysis. As you can see it’s trading lower since it hit it’s 62% on the right shoulder - I’ll stay with that till a high is broken, turning my bias around. NFP tomorrow could be good fuel to take out the support which it hit today, as ADR wasn’t reached today and it’s a big news event I’d like too see a big range down, breaking the support and initiating the move for seasonal tendency.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

greetings :slight_smile:

EDIT: Bearish divergence in SMT 1h

Pivots should be set to either New York midnight or London midnight (GMT). You have to work out when those times are on your charts and adjust accordingly.


The EUR/USD session is in a downtrend and I know why. Ahead of the non-farm job reports, the market is weary and selling this paid.

Having said that, everything from what ICT discusses is lining up to a buy opportunity at the 23.6% retracement level. Did I set this up correctly? Should I not take this trade because I’m unsure which way the reports are going to turn out? Any help from those that are studying ICTs methods would be greatly appreciated.

Hey ambtm723

I’m pretty sure ICT doesn’t trade on NFP days, too much volatility.

I believe the term that you are looking for is a bear flag. A bear flag is characterized by a steep drop in price followed by higher tops and higher bottoms.

I thought i had the SMT figured out but now im not sure.

If one currency is being accumulated (making higher lows) ive been trading the sympathy currency long not the currency being accumulated.

In the Fibs Pivots Intro video (13 mins 45 secs in) ICT trades the accumulating currency up, not the sympathy one. Have i been trading the wrong one?

Or do you guys take which ever currency has the best technicals to back it up just using SMT as a confirmation tool for either candidate?

Maybe ive just answered my own question lol… Any thoughts?

Also, when plotting Asian range HL’s i’ve got the session start at midnight gmt but when does Asian finish? at 0700 gmt?

Edit: Ive got the Asian session info, i forgot id saved Clint’s awsome 24 hour FX trading day list. Thanks Clint your a session time genius :wink: