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Cable Coms adding to longs, but not as much as Fiber Coms. Can someone do a check of Fiber price action for the last 15 years for the month of September? I just did a quick check back to 2006, and it seems 2006 is the only year we didn’t get any September lift. Got to dash off.


Hello Pajo,
I’m not the most informed, but I’m lurking and studying a bit. I can give you a bit of info on the Williams %. Michael mentioned that a 20 period (he also said that the 14 was ok as well) on the daily chart gives you a good image of “Trader Sentiment”. By the way, right now it’s super sold out.

I wonder if I could get some doubts cleared up by someone. I’m sure it’s simple, but I’d like to have it right.
Should I adjust the PivotDailyMacro and the ICT_Pivot_Macro to my time zone (not EST)? How (i know there is an hour shift value)? Are you guys using both macros?

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated.

You described my trade last night perfectly. Did you take the long back up? I got the short on the way down.

I’m working on not over-trading, not trying to hit home runs, but hopefully learning to get consistent gains. Also, I now set the alarm for LO. :slight_smile:

One question though, is 0700 London to early to trade the LO? Is that part of the kill zone? I got lucky with it last night but not sure if that’s too early in general or not.


yes if you’re talking BST (sounds like I’m insulting you lol). I use 7 till 9 as my KZ. Nice trade btw.

Personally, if I take a LO trade it’s normally after 8 BST when you have both Frankfurt and Londons’ liquidity but LO is not my best session, worst actually :29:

I broke it up into 2 halves:
'96 Down Down
’97 Up Up
’98 Up Up
’99 Down Up (finished higher than Sept open-just)
'00 Down Up (But lower than open)
'01 Down Up (Finished at open)
'02 Range Range (went nowhere)
'03 Up Up
’04 Up Up
’05 Down Down
’06 Down Range (stayed in the first weeks range 170 pips)
'07 Up Up
’08 Up Down
’09 Up Range
’10 Up Up

8 up’s, 5 downs and 2 ranges.
Certainly not that conclusive.


Good trade, great execution. WTG :slight_smile:
An hour either side of LO is in the kill zone so German open is fine (GO!!!). Often GO pushes price one way and out of the Asian range and then LO pushes it back into the Asian range but I wait to hear Micheal’s views on LO trading before polluting the thread with my theorys.


Thanks for this.

If it helps anyone, there’s a book called The Way of The Turtle that I’ve been reading. Though it goes into a lot of conjecture about technical analysis, I found the most helpful insight to be that the author preaches trying to stay away from predicting markets and instead thinking about probabilities.

As such, I can’t see a probabilistic correlation (and I’ve been crunching a lot of data) for the September rise, but market sentiment overall against the Euro or for that matter any other country in EU is negative. For the last few cycles, the 4 hr, 1 hr and daily charts are all pointing south. I’m watching 3 low’s:

1.3500 institutional level. That’s the lowest it’s been in 10 years
1.5300 instituational level…that’s the yearly low
1.5759 that’s the Quarterly low (and amazingly weekly) low – was just hit yesterday.

Today’s cable is bouncing between 1.5868 which is a strong S/R level for the last 7 days and 1.5759 low. My guess is that sometime in the next few days, we’re going to see another lower low (judging by the trend and market sentiment). I don’t see anything pointing north.

Please share your insight.

All I can say is trade what you see, ignore the talk and squabbling about the market. Past 2 days have seen near perfect market profile buy days(FIBER),we are in an OTE on the daily charts, decent increase in the commercials from prior week (in cable) , OTE’s on the smaller TF’s, Decent support levels and and and. This for me is enough to get me going long. As you said earlier, think in terms of probabilities and trade only the high probability setups. Rather than line yourself to a bearish outlook trade what you see

This depends on where the servers of your broker are located. If for example their servers are in the EST time zone as is the case with MBtrading, Should you wish to set EST midnight pivots(NY MIDNIGHT PIVOTS) the “shift hours” tab should be set to “0”

Should you wish to set your pivots to GMT midnight (London pivots), the shift hours tab will be set to +5

I religiously use the PivotDailyMacro indicator , as for the ICT_Pivot_Macro indicator I rarely use it (Just personal preference). If you wish to learn more about its use watch one of ICT’s recent videos regarding the traders trinity. He details its use in their.

Does the LO strategy work for all the pairs? Since London is the most active session. Or is it primarily for fiber and cable? Not sure if ICT has said anything about this. Thanks.

Beautiful isn’t it? Market Profile buy day was bang on Monday. I did however NOT trade this setup and I took a loss as I traded the CABLE at NY open… My thoughts at the time were that we had not done the ADR on the cable yet and the ADR on Fiber was filled for the day going into NY open "It is now when I think back to ICT’s video “trading the NY open” that he says “IF the ADR has been filled going into NY Open, reduce your risk”… Well ICT I have that noted now,:wink:

This I did however trade. OTE from PDH to PDL, yesterday NY session low as support. Note the blue line on the chart, the ADR at the time had not been filled for the day and I was skeptical as yesterday was a large range day for Fiber. However taking the ADR from the LO low to the projected high it was in close proximity to the 127% FIB level which should have been the ultimate take profit.

Hey guys,

I recently opened an account with Alpari UK, and am finding some discrepancies with the ADR indicator. It seems to show that the daily ranged is higher by ~20-50 pips compared to my old broker (IBFX).

Is anyone with Alpari UK that could help me out? I already changed the Timezone settings to “3” as Alpari is GMT+3

Any help is appreciated!


Sounds like a pen and paper job. Just add up the last 5 days ranges and divide by 5 then do the same on the IBFX, see if they add up alright.

P.S. careful getting to bullish people, watch how the fiber is taking a lot of candles to make new highs but very few to drop back.


All of my LC ADR trades have been with Alpari UK. We have occasionally taken different trades in the past, but I believe we are all square at the end of it. No worries :wink:

Alpari UK bases its servers in the GMT +1 time zone. Hit me up if you need the Kill Zones.


Haha this is funny. I just opened with Alpari Uk and my charts are GMT +2 LOL. I guessing it’s me that’s confused.

Right now it’s 8;08 Local BST, 7:08 GMT and my platform is showing 9:08?

Opned with Alpari after last minute panic with my broker before gonig live but stuck with them in the end. If I ever hit 20% profit I’ll put it in Alpari but just demo there for now.

Hey everyone, I have a couple questions I hope weren’t answered yet…it mainly had to do with a daily checklist.
now I know ICT has been giving us all of the information we will ever need to become successful traders, and I like to believe that for the most part I understand all of these tools separately. But when it comes down to making a checklist of things to consider and look at during the beginning of the day I have problems with it. The way I see it sometimes one tool will override another tool ( for example : market structure and market flow, sometimes one contradicts the other as in a very long term OTE is forming to go short, but at the same time all market flow is pointing up) and this is mainly why I can’t seem to be consistent lol =. In the PTC Videos I always find myself thinking “ahh its so obvious now” =P …but during the action im trying to sort out to many things to follow…so before I start rambling (lol) , has there been one “set in stone” way to go about using these tools step by step? Or have these all just been laid out and explained to us, and its up to us as individuals to figure out how to best apply them???
Sorry if its a confusing question its just that I can’t figure out the best way to look at the day ahead of time =\

And with all of that said, how about some helpful post from fellow followers on about how exactly they go about there trading day? Maybe some personalized checklists you all have made up? I think it would be nice to see how others are going about it and it may help spread some good ideas to add/subtract in our own!!! :wink: I would start off with mine but im typing from a cell phone and writing this novel here was hard enough.

Alpari UK’s servers are always 1 hour ahead of UK time ie. they are on Western European time. So they are GMT+2 at the moment.
You would have thought they would call themselves Alpari Europe to avoid this sort of confusion.

Bones I’ll cover a bit of what I do but I’m nursing man flu so if I collapse at the key board you’l…

I’m very happy about how I have my charts set up now. MT4. I have 2 EU charts, 2 GU charts, SMT and USDX on tabs next to each other.

First default chart on my pairs is 4hr with traders trinity, EST pivots and blue rectangles for areas of interest. This gives me my daily bias and I’ll use this on higher TFs as well.

Second default chart has GMT pivots, mantas market flow table and S/R levels I’ve identified as key. This is my entry chart. Probably a bit busier than most but I like my current set up.

So bias check on first chart, looking for where I would like to see price go on second chart. Checking the SMT through out the day, same as the USDX on which I might have a couple of rectangles in areas of interest.

Then I check out my favorite news calender.

My favorite trade is nesting O.T.Es but I don’t enter on a high TF O.T.E, I just identify the level and hope one forms on my lower TF chart in a KZ.

There’s plenty more I could and should do, and sometimes do do but the above is my basic morning analysis.

I would be interested to hear what the other guys do to.

No no, it is me that is confusing things by saying GMT +1 TIME ZONE!

You are absolutely right…the server is currently 2 hours ahead of GMT. I always think of GMT as the UK time zone, and then +1 as Europe. BST is just BST! (pardon my language :wink:

To save confusion let’s just refer to P4L clock from now on. Alpari UK is currently one hour ahead of the London time that is showing, right? My two hour LO time zone is just about to end at 10am UK time, and 11am Broker time.



Awesome thanks for the detailed reply! hope to get more like it from others as well!