What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Yes, and how much is that little nugget of information ALONE worth? :slight_smile:

The Fib x 1.28 progression was really interesting too.

ICT: just to clarify re the fractals: letā€™s say the last fractal was a swing low; you consider it breached if price trades below it? And vice-versa for swing-highs obviously?

I was only considering it breached once another swing low had completely formed at a lower price.

Did you guys/girls backtest ICTs rule of thumb? Not that I was skeptical and didnā€™t trust, but ICT encourages us to see for ourselves, right? Anyway, I donā€™t know if January is special or not, but in testing the initial rule it only turned out to be the case in 11 trading days out of the last 18. A few of them were boarderline though (a few pips broke the rule, and some just missed the time cut), so I decided to play around a bit. Well, in extending the parameters out just one hour, from midnight EST to 5am EST (not 4am), then it is true in 16 out of 18 cases!! 88% Rounded up to 9/10 cases!! Thanks ICT for your gems.

As soon as the Fractal is brokenā€¦ the fractal is ā€œbrokeā€ and thus we watch for a new Fractal to form to reference future swings. As it relates to Market Flowā€¦ it doesnt matter if we trade through the Fractal and not close above itā€¦ just if its brokenā€¦ that changes the Market Flow.

As it relates to Support and Resistanceā€¦ when Support gives way and price tradesā€¦ not merely pokes under the Support levelā€¦ it should act as Resistance when retested.

Fractals are like mile markers much in the same way Pivot levels areā€¦ they may be broken near termā€¦ but their influence can still be useful despite being broken. Therein lies the reason and need for ā€œconfluencesā€ of reasons to support [no pun intended] a particular levelā€¦ beit Resistance or Support.

Hope this helpsā€¦ I wasnā€™t sure what you were asking so I tried to cover the inquiry as best as I understood it.


I forgot to mention the Daylight savings impact on that dandyā€¦ :o

Glad you all find it enlightening. :cool:

I went over it a lilā€™ :eek:

I am done for my personal trading yesā€¦ but monitoring price nonetheless.

Sorry yes, I should have been clearer ( :o ) but that was exactly what I wanted to know. Many thanks.

Donā€™t the clocks go back 1 hour for DST? In which case wouldnā€™t it be 5am in winter and 6am in Summer? Iā€™m not picking fault, just trying to get a grip on something that I probably wouldnā€™t have considered even if I had sat staring at these candlesticks every day for the next 5 years!

And seeing as youā€™ve met your quota for the weekā€¦I would like to go back and revisit some points regarding the OI if I may? In your first example with the futures charts, I canā€™t see how the sharp OI drop translated into higher prices in the 2nd (December) example. I wonder if you could explain in more detail with regard to that example as I really want to believe in this.


Hey REO,
Iā€™m not going to answer for ICT but Iā€™ll try to help on a couple of points.

First off try to lose the idea of trends and think in terms of FLOW, no moving averages. Your looking for the money flowing into and out of the market, thatā€™s what the D1, H4 and H1 fractal agreement can show you and keep you on the right side of the market, going with the flow. Together with various important levels and a few other tools and you can enter on any timeframe.
Also we witnessed just such a long then short trade yesterday on the chat, ICT can see flow change very quickly, more so than us mere mortals.

Iā€™m sure more stuff is coming and will clear up things for you. In the mean time just keep reviewing the vids, I keep finding little but really important stuff all the time.

Hope this helps

Hi Wally.

Thanks for your help.
Better have another look at all the videos on offer by ICt:D


Correction to the above: I omitted to type ā€˜In your first example with the futures chart I CAN see how a drop in OI translated in priceā€™. It is the 2nd example I am having trouble with.

Regarding the 12midnight to 4am ruleā€¦I havenā€™t lived in a DST country for over a decade so I canā€™t get my head around it, but some further backtesting results from July last year show a 76% success rate for midnight to 5am, and 67% for midnight to 4am EST. A few examples were successful 30 minutes after the deadline. I guess what we are saying is that highs and lows for the day on Cable are more often than not set within the first few hours of London session.

I see your greed control is in perfect working order :stuck_out_tongue:

and another word of appreciation, iā€™m finally starting to see the light in terms of focusing on one pair. I really have a problem with overtrading, and watching a whole slew of pairs wasnā€™t really helping me out in that department. I really admire your ability to take a few trades a week and then be done with it!

Makes for a boring thread and blog :wink: lol

So, Iā€™m hopping back in the saddle after an extended break.

Turns out that combining Fibs, and basic s/r with the Turtle Soup method makes for some very successful trades.

On a related note, I finally broke my losing streak!

Wtg Aaronā€¦ Remember itā€™s all about patience. :wink:

It never really clicked how simple it is to be successful until I started following ICT. I pretty much just wait for fib/pivot bounces and then trade into the direction of the overall trend. Itā€™s very easy and from what Iā€™ve seen so far quite reliable. I obviously lose trades from time to time like everyone else, but I have not had a losing day as a whole in weeks. I used be really antsy with my trades, ready to close it the moment it goes against me, and it made my losing rate far higher when it shouldnā€™t have been. You have to trust your analysis and let it play out. Thatā€™s what stops are for:)

BTW, what is the GetMarketInfo.ex4 for? I donā€™t quite understand how to use it. The other indicators are .mq4 files and just load up when you click on them, but GetMarketInfo doesnā€™t seem to do anything. Anyone?

Exactly. Although there are some quite complex concepts explained in this thread, the principles are very straightforward and easy to follow. It really is KISS in a nutshell. What I also like is the fact that, the more you use these ideas, the more you understand WHY the market flows the ways it does and reacts in particular ways at certain points.

This, for me at least, is the most valuable thing of all.

Anyway, there was a great short trade opportunity yesterday. 19:10 GMT (14:10 EST) Cable traded back up to Wednesdayā€™s high. This coincided almost bang on with a 62 fib level taken from the daily chart - high 5th Nov to low 28th Dec. Price bounced along at that level for a while and formed a clear head and shoulders pattern. That created the ā€˜confuence of threeā€™ that I look for (in this case, previous support/fib/chart pattern). I had to go out but set take profit at 50. Itā€™s now (0800 GMT) bounced beautifully off todayā€™s S1 pivot.

All really clear and simple stuff.

That was interesting about the bar counts between the lows and then projected from the high to predict when the next high could completeā€¦I had been working on that on another thread topic so was quite familiar with it. What also is quite interesting is what I believe is a Wolfe Wave pattern that Ive marked up on the chart below...its text book to the illustration in that Street Smart ebook, and the 1-4 point projection nails the high as wellā€¦cool :slight_smile:

Today I gathered courage enough to take my first limit entry, short e$ 1.3725, but cant stay put over weekend already out +90. Figure to take out 1.3600 nest wk. Also now going one pair only, broken my loosing streak after 3.2. Thanx ICT awesome merge of concepts.

nobody would fault you for taking profits friday morning! Did you get more than what you risked? if so, you did really good.

anyways, I know what you mean about ā€œdiscoveringā€ limit entries. without them I donā€™t think I could ever sleep, ha :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone here still using COT and OI to determine trade direction here? It seems weā€™re trading both ways, with/against flow and it seems the structure that I was desperately craving for has gone to the side in favor of just simple discretion. :frowning:

Donā€™t get me wrong, there is extremely useful stuff here but trading confluences of fibs/SR/pivots/figures is the basic tenant of every forex resource out there. I thought the whole aspect about determining general market direction using cot,oi,market flows was something really unique to ICTā€™s methods and would like to see some real life trades referencing these aspects. Anyways this is not to offend or take anything away from what is probably one of the best resources on the internet for newbies. These concerns may just be my own failings as other people here seem to be doing quite well. :wink:

Iā€™m really not making any guesses yet on the GBPā€™s likely path for 2011, but this is what Iā€™ve got in terms of my bullish perspective. Incorporates things I learned from this thread, and made an effort to keep it simple.

Weekly chart: