What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Sorry cause this came so late but I wanted to share it anyway

My personal goal remains the same, become one of these:

But now this other goal is also mine for 2012:

Once again, THANKS for your sharing ICT and everyone here!

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

I’ll give it a try…

last week we was sliding down on both pairs, so the ‘‘dumb money’’ was selling leaving stops at the recent highs…yesterday it appeared that more stops are residing on the highs than on the lows,so unbalance was present…
also, after 4 small range consolidation days was about time for range expansion… and after few down days, was most logical to see a reversal or at least retracement, plus as mentioned above, the stops has not been raided for a while…
so, presumably the asian session gave chance to the ‘‘smart money’’ to accumulate their longs and when London opened and the ‘‘dumbs’’ started jumping on the shorts expecting another southbound day, the buy orders suddenly got filled and price took off?!
anywhere near Michael?.. :slight_smile:

Well…until the middle of last week cable traded down and then a little back up (H1 chart). This week was more or less a sideways move until today. Asian session created a sideways move to and this range is located between todays (range low) and yesterdays (range high; not exactly) CPP…i use GMT pivots. Then cable rallyed up and took all the stops out from last weeks short positions.
Also if i draw a Fib form the last LTH to LTL (in H1) i get an OTE at todays high which is 7 pips away from the 1.5700 figure.

Thats what i see so far, but don’t see any connection to the asian session…

last week, the fiber ran the stops below the yearly lows, cable failed to do so. Yesterday was a consolodation day, winding up like a spring ready to unleash. That happened today, where stops were taken out on the higher end of the range. There are more stops that can be taken out at the 5780 level. I would suspect these stops are on the radar to be taken out as well.

The market has to go down before it goes up. In the Asian range, price was being pushed down so longs could be accumulated, wiping out the street’s short positions that were trying to board the gravy train.

It feels like something is missing though and I can’t put my finger on it.

I think I’m onto something…

I went back to Aug/Sep/Oct charts on cable so I wouldn’t be as familiar with the day to day movements.

I’m looking at this with the following perspective. I’m looking for clues that:

  • give me an indication on which way the price will move during LO and NYO
  • Using only tools I know. Specifically, market structure/flow and pivots.

What I’ve noticed is almost always, there is a fractal created on the 1 hour chart for the asian session. It appears that the LO and NYO move is in opposite direction from the fractal that’s created during Asian (sometimes it appears the fractal actually appears up to 2 hours before 00:00 GMT…but since it takes 2 hourly candles after a potential fractal for it to form this goes into the Asian 00:00 period.

On days where LO and/or NYO close the 4 line fill of pivot’s, the price move opposite the fractal. I would say this is working about 2or 3 times a week. The other times is going in the opposite direction or no fractal formed.

I just loaded TT to potentially give me more clues. TT has information regarding price last week. If we are in the buy zone of TT…that means we are at the low end of last weeks price movement since TT is formed based on last weeks price. I sensing there something if the fratcal establishes in the direction of market flow or if it establishes a change in market flow in combination with the TT.

But not ready to declare that, but where I’m looking now… Just noticing a negative correlation between the 1st fractal formed during asian and price during LO and NYO. They appear to be pretty negatively correlated.

Ok well forgive me if I am waaaay off the mark here, but I agree with what the others said about how pricing was diving lower last week and so the smart money blasted through all their stops in order to get them out of the market, however, as things currently stand, could one not argue that the current upwards trend has merely been fashioned by these traders in order to get in some amazing positions for the continued trend downwards? I imagine that a vast number of the Public traders as you call them have now changed their perspective after the recent push upwards, leaving the door open for another push downwards?

Lol, anyway, I’m just guessing and trying to give the alternate viewpoint to where price may go next :slight_smile:

Thats a good observation…it seems that it didn’t work for last week, but that might be due to holiday season

…and todays high made an OTE for a short entry…hmmm…

This is where I think the TT might filter this. outside the TT (like last week), not a great signal and other tools can help us.

Inside the TT…the first fractal may be the signal on which way the day may go.

SInce I’ve added TT…this seems like a good filter.

I don’t know anything about the TT yet…waiting for the christmas video about this topic…

Today for example…

First fractal formed was the 02:00 hourly candle for a new fractal low. The fractal was established in the direction of market flow (up). We are within last weeks range, and below the midpoint… BUT…in no mans land. Price was also above the pivot and the pivot was providing support. Also noting that no hourly candles closes breached a pivot level (It appears quite often that a pivot level provides support/resistance without a breaching in the asian range. It appears LO/NYO respects that direction depending on if the GMT pivot level provides support or resistance. during the asian. IE…LO will break it…but respect it later as S or R.)

Price Zooms up…opposite the first fractal formed in asian. consistent with market flow (market flow was up…fractal low in asian was established higher than prior fractal low). we are within the TT range. and at a support level the gmt pivot…

Only thing off with today and the correlations I’ve drawn is the OTE formed during 06:00 GMT and not after 07:00GMT…but hey…everyday isn’t perfect.

ICT…am I anywhere close?

Still coming up with correlations and using the tools…but I would have caught some massive move days with this…not 100% of course. But clearly profitable.

I see last night’s Asia session in the buy zone of TT, yesterday’s consolidation whipsawing too. And if all the street money is onboard south then we know which way it’s going to go… but when? I also see something that almost looks like an OTE…
Is the Williams AD going to play a part? just a glance at that and it seems to mirror price like all oscillators do.

It’s featured in one of the August PTC videos. 8/14 I think.

I did load Williams A/D indicator on my chart. Sunday…ICT asked about a strange indicator with a true range and the williams A/D indicator. I thought that might play into this since we all know we are strings on a violin and ICT is our fiddler making us dance and do mental gymnasitcs looking for things in plain sight that everyone has an opportunity to see…but no one notices.

Thanx for that hint. Currently i’m in april with the PTC videos, so still a bit to go… :smiley:

Hey guys,

I’ll think I’ll try my luck too on the topic of the behaviour of the asian range. I’ll use Clint’s pic for explaination :slight_smile:

Here’s what I see:

EDIT: Took a look at that pic, I think I could have got the times wrong. This could actually be only the asian range which I declared as London Trades.

We know that SM is likely to trap the Street Money. So on 1 price moved down till the asian session, where it began to raise. Stops of Asianrange high was blown and provided an OTE for LO short. Street Money thought Asian is moving it up, trend up day! Trapped!

On 2 price was down the whole day. Price consolidated in asian and shot up after it, signaling an upmove trend reversal but the it moved down again. Trapped!

On 3 prive moved down as said. It went higher into the zone and began a move down in the zone into an OTE, providing the signal to go long. Street money would like to follow down on the strong asian move, thinking price went up to trade down and … Trapped!

On 4 it was up, consolidated in the zone and after that it moved down and gave an oppurtunity to go long. TRAPPED! Again the counter direction after the marked zone.

On 5 price went down into the zone and kept going down. And you guess it. Same scenario as the ones before. Countered and trapped.

So basically I would look at how the price is moving into the zone and in the zone.

If it’s moving in up into the zone and down in the zone, it’s going to be an upday. And vice versa.

If it’s moving up into the zone and consolidates and after that moves down, it’s going to be an upday. And vice versa.

Like if it consolidates in the zone and moves strong in a direction after it, don’t thrust it.
If it moves in a direction in the zone, don’t thrust it.

I hope you get the idea I had :slight_smile: And I hope that I’m not completly wrong hehe And these are just my thought without taking higher TF analysis in.

And for the 2012 targets:
I will not limit myself by a weekly goal. But the recent time changed my tradingstyle and psych that I only trade real good setups and prespotted setups. If it happens like I expected it, I’ll trade it. It doesn’t matter if I’m up 1200 pips. BUT I won’t sit down in front of my charts and think “Okay, it’s LO, I’m here, I’ve got time. Where’s my entry point and it which direction should I trade?” anylonger. I did this too often and made a fast decision, which was eventually wrong. I’ve got the templates, the hints, the “manuals” of ICT and I want to trade them and only them! Nothing else I think I see at my charts right at the moment, I want to see setups before they occur and be ready to trade them. I’ve already managed to trade profitable and I hope I’m able to keep it up with a higher amount of cash on the table. More cash means like I already stated earlier that I’ll start with 2000€ and increase If I’m up at the end of the month by 500€. This is my plan, I think I’ll post my results If I have enough time to trade when I start my day job in mid february.


Think about where the open and close appear on the daily ranges on volatile days…
Think about the cycle we learned about open to close relationships in “bullish” conditions…
How can we utilize this in conjunction with the insights we learned last night?

Think folks… :slight_smile:

Just got home - and just marking the open of the day with a horizontal trend line - extending about 8 hrs - - running through - there is high there is low for the day - within that period - - :_)

So I was coming back here to find the statements about and the indi for the first five hours and asian range - and asian module-

you guys shouldn’t be teaching all this during ‘normal’ work hours - -now I gotta spend all night trying to catch up- aarrhg

Lol…my time is GMT+1 so its midnight here…not normal work time for most people… :stuck_out_tongue:

Open and close are at extremes on volatile days…
Open is at or near the low of the day and close is at or near the high of the day in bullish conditions…

Price broke the high of the asian range to trip dumb money’s longs and then pulled back into the asian range to scare them off…this gave us the smart money an OTE near the low of the day…which then took off like a rocket…

This was formed in the TT buy zone and at the pivots CPP which can be either buy or sell zone…

This all happened after the higher time frame market flow bias was turned bullish on the 16th…

What do you think ICT…?