What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Short cable from 1.5828. Stop loss at breakeven. Entered at pivot. And OTE of judas swing higher during LO.

SL hit

[B]short the fiber @ 1.3278[/B]Reason:
fiber reach yesterday major long term resistance (1.3300)
last two days distribution
bearish SMT between cable/fiber (wednesday/thursday cable higher highs versus fiber lower highs)
possible retracement after a long bullish run (traders taking profit at end of week after major resistance has been hit yesterday).
first profit @ s1 (127% ext.)
second profit @ s2 (200% ext.)
I am happy
done for this and comming week (of for a skitrip :cool:)

How did you know I was there too??? :wink:

Happy weekend and best regards!

“Me quedarĂ©, me quedarĂ©, siempre cubano me quedarĂ©â€Šâ€


Just joking bro, just joking :wink:

End of Week Stats:

Total Trades: 10
Wins: 3
Losses: 6
BE: 1

Net Pips: -4

just spinning my wheels this week, but had some success in capping my losses, at the very least :57:

@ Cubanpip

CP: 1.3273 (GMT)

Took exactly the same trade. Entered at 1.58082 with a 20 point s/l. Price then jumped to 1.58487
 lol stopped out by 1/2 a pip! Ahh well, c’est la vie. 7% down this week by stupidly chucking my plan out the window and trying to ‘wing it’. Next week’s no.1 item is “sticking to the plan”.

I had that trade too
at least the one you entered at LC yesterday. Entered short EU at 1.3304. Held through the evening.

Closed this morning at 1.3250 as I thought we were teeing up for a long day and this was the MS1 pivot level and inst level.

Closed my short and went long. That trade went up 30 pips, tooke some profit, then hit my stop loss which was at breakeven.

Then, At NYO, was looking to go short since EU didn’t break the AR. opted to go short on the Cable. The formation looked better to be a classic sell day and thought I’d get a bigger downmove since GU had gone above the AR. Basic 30 pip SL here.

Looks like EU would have been the bigger move, but still up 70 pips as I type this.

I might hold over the weekend
the news flow out of Europe is ugly. A gap down seems very likely to me going into Sunday based on the Greece situation and the supposed “agreed deal” falling through.

Starting to look like Greece is going to default and exit the EU.

SO on those three trades
Entered at 1.3304 with a 20 pip SL
made about 4.5%. Made .2% on the EU long, and made close to 5% here.

Pretty good day’s of trading. Have to calculate, but up about 5-6% for the week.

for the record
my AUDUSD long position trade closed out at BE. But I have reentered at 1.0645
first trade using my 1300GMT pivot rule. AUDUSD hit he S3 level in that hour. Entered on strong bearish trend. Hit 30 pip profit and TP1. holding the rest with SL at bereakeven.

All this EU stuff
 GU short 1.5830

[B]“Whatever you do, just STAY CALM”[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedarĂ©, me quedarĂ©, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedarĂ©â€Šâ€[/I]


[B][U]“has time everywhere who is NOT in a hurry anywhere”[/U]

took some time

Awesome trading, well done! :slight_smile:

“Greece exiting the EU
” — Hmmm, don’t hold your breath on that one bro :wink:

This weeks and year to date trade results.

11 trades this week. 8 winners and 3 losers.

So far in 2012, been profitable 4 weeks, unprofitable 2 weeks.

And the weekly summary for 2012 so far

Note: I split last week into 2 segments since the end of the month fell midweek. I set it up that I had the 4% weekly goal on Jan 30-31. Hence, the 2-1 through 2-3 timeframe had no expectation for profit (good thing since I lost 2% over that time).

The ‘Projected’ columns are where my balance would be using a straightline 4% per week return. The modified columns show what the profit should be if I return 4% on the actual weekly starting balance.

Without further ado

34.85% so far in 2012. Pretty darn happy with that.

Think this is a testament to risk control first and foremost. Cutting losses and letting profits run. Most of my trades are breakevens and very small gains. Every loss is 2%. But there have been about 6 winners that each produce over 8-12%. Those 6 trades are just about making up for everything else.

clickable image

The alternative is Greece somehow have GDP growth starting next year
ha ha ha

Or a deal get cut
austerity measures in Greece resulting in massive riots

And after the deal gets cut, Ireland and Portugal lining up to be next to get a deal.

A deal means the European Banks take a bath on the “assets” of Greek debt (or the ECB)

did we forget that S&P cut the ratings of something like 35 Italian Banks today.

I don’t see how they get out of this with Greece in the EU.

Certainly! All good points without doubt :slight_smile: I’m not trying to argue or anything, but there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than is revealed to the general public.

Yeah. Not arguing either. It is fascinating theater (read zerohedge.com for an always entertaining and truthful take on this drama).

Seems to me I’m in a minority think Greece exits. The popular mainstream commentary seems to be a deal can be found and it can work.

Maybe it too much distrust for politicians and bankers. If a palatable deal could be found, it would have by now.

But absolutely fascinating to watch this unfold. Even though, as you point out, we are only getting part of the story.

Pretty impressive results Pimpin, well done to you. I’m not too far behind myself with 29.73% ROI for this year (not traded today due to work comitements, otherwise could’ve made another 6% to catch up :wink: )
got very few big wins (over 30 pips) unfortunately, but the loosing trades on my sheet are only 4, so all in all, very happy with the results, we are on a roll! :smiley:

Outstanding kubio.

Today was the difference. Returned about 10% today with my 3 trades. One was small. But had a big eu short from LC yesterday to just before LO today. And a gu short at NYO today. 10% on those 2 shorts.

But great job.

And as Sam Malone said (if you remember the tv show ‘cheers’).

“who wouldn’t want to be on a roll.”.

Keep it up kubio. That’s outstanding and more than 4% per week.

Anyone have an EA that does partial close with stop move to breakeven capability? I’ve been searching all over but can’t seem to find one. Something like what IBFX has but works on any broker.



May I ask, what kind of scaling out regimen do you follow?
Are there a lot of trades where you take the whole position to your final target?