What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Ok Wally, thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Ugh, I remember wasting tons of hours reading the kreslik forums trying to decrypt the unhelpful language of people who were apparently ā€œtrying to helpā€ others learn the tricks of the trade.

What a relief somebody like ICT actually cared about communicating clearly.

Maybe itā€™s almost time to close this thread before it devolves further?

Can someone email me when the pissing match is over? I do recall seeing the tweet that ICT told pro to post his thoughts on space in the forumā€¦I take it that everyone is here to learn so read as much info an you like take what you want then move onā€¦ tired of my phone blowing up everytime someone responds to the thread to bad mouth someone. Itā€™s refreshing seeing a lot of non newbeeā€™s in the newbee threads and recognizing a few names from other forums too funny. Some of whom that have had professional trainingā€¦makes a guy wonder how they fond this threadā€¦ probably to learn the same thing but from a different view point I guess.Pro has nothing to hide or prove to anyone thats why he probably provided the links to all heā€™s posted. No one here has anything to prove think that sums it up. Iā€™m ready for some pips enough said. btw you can see how many posts Iā€™ve made and how long Iā€™ve been a member. So give some merit to my post. Ask your self this. Will it matter a week from now, a year from nowā€¦my resonse is YES IF ITā€™S PROFITABLE also phone does not have spell check sorry :frowning:

In the hopes of remaining fully obedient to the rules which I have set for myself based on ICTā€™s teaching, I am starting an account which is entirely public, so that anyone can point out where I am trading out of the killzones or risking more than 2%, not scaling out profits etc (all the basic ICT stuff :)). So please feel free to have a look as I embark on my very focused journey :smiley:

>>>>Link<<<< (the link will be my ā€œHomepageā€)

PS: I am not keen on placing $10,000 into an account just yet (especially being from SA), but regardless, I feel that the concept will be just as well illustrated with the account in any event.

Folksā€¦ reallyā€¦ do we have to resort to this type of posting?

I have been very honored and proud of this thread and itā€™s participants for expressing respect and patience with one another and even for those that host other threads on Babypips Forums. I respectfully ask that you take a few moments and delete the last few pages of rubbish tossed about as it serves no one any benefit or merit by dribbling on about how this or that is better than the next or that ā€œXā€ years trading equates to zero losses.

If you have something that is of substanceā€¦ it will be noticed and it will gather a following. Just keep the focus on this threadā€™s intended purposeā€¦ that being the tools and concepts on this threadā€™s first page. I see a lot of multiple personalities and nothing but venomā€¦ letā€™s keep the need for boot wearing at bayā€¦ itā€™s quite disenchanting to say the least.

[B]Message to the Admins[/B]:

I would greatly appreciate your willingness to clean the thread by Wednesday 9pm this coming weekā€¦ I will post the last links to the first page then and no longer post hereā€¦ all posts will be continued on our new thread in Holy Grails section on Babypips.

I spent a great deal of time and effort to present a very informative thread for your viewers and I merely ask for your assistance in making it as respectful and professional as it can be for new and old readers for years to come. I would like the last post as a ā€œbookendā€ā€¦ can we lock the thread at that time?

Show some class folksā€¦ it doesnā€™t cost you anything.

bummer, we are ALL in this together or we wouldnā€™t be in the NOOB section.

I had been thinking of all my replies to these posts for 24+hrs.
Wow, I had put together what I thought was very good info.
It would be a mute point now.

My entire point to be made from the beginning was that with the accuracy of the ICT method/system you could easily go from working at your current J.O.B. to being a wildly successful trader.
Guess you guys donā€™t have the same psychology as I, but this form of trade management/risk management resonates greatly with who I am.

My perseverance is bringing me what Iā€™ve longed for, FREEDOM, as we speak.

Iā€™m interested anyway, Pro. Would be very nice if youā€™d send it by PM.


The request still standsā€¦ post what you had in mind. I want to respond to what you have.

My post preceeding this oneā€¦ is in reference to the ignorant and sharp-pointed insults and ā€œmeasuringstickā€ rhetoric. By all means post your thought.

Why isnā€™t this thread a sticky? It is quite possibly the most informative thread on babypips besides the school itself and has been consistently updated/posted in for almost two years now.

Admin can we get a sticky?

Thats an interesting website. Looks very well organised and seems to be a handy ā€œtoolā€ to observe your development.
For that purpose i made a spreadsheet for me that includes killzone analysis aswell. Hopefully it helps to find and minimize my weeknesses and problems in tradingā€¦and it seems it does. :wink:


With this thread coming to an end I just wanted to say thank you for these months of incredible learning, to ICT as well as those who have shared with me so patiently. I started trading last year after a downsizing at work, and came across the ICT thread around September / October. Iā€™ve gone back to working a ā€˜jobā€™ these last six weeks, but Iā€™m watching ICT videos on my Iphone on the train and studying charts at night. Although technically Iā€™m profitable, Iā€™m not yet where I need to be to turn professional yet. However, I will get there. The videos and the information on this thread are an truly amazing resource, and it is unbelievable that theyā€™re free. I will be trading for a long time to come, but would probably have given it up if Iā€™d not stumbled accross this thread. Being unemployed was a little scary being able to study these methods (and be part of the thread) made the days much easier. Looking forward to the new thread and giving up that thing called sleep.

Awesome post bro! :slight_smile:

ICT just got shut down, the worst day of my lifeā€¦:17:

Talking about the twitter?

and youtube channel

youtube, twitter just disappeared. bad.

Who shut ICT down? The funny thing is, I only found this thread a few days ago, and I remember thinking last night, ā€œWhat if ICTā€™s youtube channel goes down, Iā€™d better save those videos in flash format before itā€™s too late.ā€ Well, itā€™s too late.

Would anyone have any of them saved? I would be willing to seed them on bittorrent in that case; I just donā€™t like to let all those gold lessons die :(.

Uh that is very scary, this is just unreal.

I am sad too. What really happened? There are so many ā€˜tradersā€™ who share their trades on babypips and other forums. Whats wrong or unethical about it?

I think Iā€™m gonna go on a marathon watching all of ICTā€™s livestream videos, in case those are next to go down :/.