What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Many thanks for the post Bob, your comment about not smashing the fig on first try will serve me well in the future, had I absorbed that yesterday I would not have panicked out on fibers bounce at the 1.3000 fig. Lesson learned :slight_smile:

So how do you determine when a previous high or low is resistance/support that price will bounce off of vs an area that stops are resting above/below and anticipate price to go raid them. Like in your example, how did you know price wouldnā€™t have been rejected at 1.6080 like it had been twice before (4/23 and 4/25)?

Easy killer that does not mean price will not smash that figure but 1.0000 is a major major figure. One can reasonably expect price to bounce on most figures but that one you can almost guarantee you will get something

I can not speak for others here but only me. There is no way to know for sure however for me I only use swings as S/R and a previous swing low IMO can only be determined as a resistance meaning once it is taken out you can expect price to bounce there later on. Now if you have a swing high and price is coming back up to that level after being rejected. I would only look to get in at OTE. If OTE gets broken then you can reasonably expect it to be a stop raid. Now I will look for another entry at the 128 fib. Hope that is clear enough for you. If not I will try to explain how I determine S/R levels VS stop raids on a chart later

I donā€™t know for sure, nobody does. But attached are a couple charts showing some things that help me determine more likely targets that price will go to and react.

Price was falling to two main stop levels not far apart. The 1.6075 level was a reflection pattern and also close to a 50% fib from HTF. Stoch Div. Along with what I call a flip zone (recent resistance becomes support). Price met its ADR and the next set of stops to be targeted were 40 pips away under the 1.0600 figure (strong support)

I used a 40 pip stop and felt pretty safe in the trade.

Also, think of how many people have been selling the whole time the cable has been climbing. They have to be jumping on the down trend. Look at the lines I have drawn above todays Asian range. I think there might be some money up there. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if those are taken out this week.

Anyway thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been looking at the market and it seems to have calmed my nerves a bit.

I hope this makes some sense. Good to see you back Matty. You were kicking some butt before you left.

Fxtrader cro, on your buy and sells, central pp is that the daily, or weekly.


I personally use the Daily Pivot Point.

Do you have any of the old ICT vids



I meant the old stuff that is gone.

most of the old videos are back online. Except for his trade review videos but they only covered the same concepts in the videos on the first page. I do have them but like I said most of what you need to know is back on the first page. If you would like to see for yourself send me an email <[email protected]>. Again to be honest there is not much that is not back on here. ICT is doing real time reviews once again so again they just cover the concepts on the first page. You might find them useful so I have no prob sending them. All I ask is that I dont get overloaded with emails from people asking for them as my give a crap will die real fast. But it was giveb to me so I most pass it on unless I hear not to. Also make sure you know how to open a torrent file as thats what it will come as. I have sent it to some that it worked and others it didnt so I think its the end user. Again though you have all the info that is on those files so dont think you are missing much. ICT did a great job redoing the first page after he whiped it out. In fact I think it is better than before.

thanks Bob, i am fairly new on the board. I thought there might be some content that i may have missed.

Thanks for your reply.

well like i said I will send it for you to check out. There may be something there that will make it click for you and if thats the case great. But they cover the same concepts on the first page

Is this an example of Search and Destroy?

Iā€™m still a bit confused with market structure, if anyone could sort it out for me i would appreciate it deeply!!

Hereā€™s a pic of my interpretation of whatā€™s been going on lately in the fiber (daily chart), Iā€™d wish you could take a look at it and help a poor noob.

It seems to me now that market structure is currently bearish??

( as you can see iā€™ve used fractals in the assistance of determing swings, is this the right way?)

But what confuses me is the low that we made previously ( where it says no clue)??

[U]How do i determine what structure too use is it the most one that has been recently formed? And when is a structure broken?

[B]FXTrader Cro[/B]

I do believe you and I trade the exact same way.

After watching Michaelā€™s videos for over a year, I felt completely overwhelmed with the amount of tools he provided. My charts were getting ridiculously messy, with lines and fibs and the TT and pivots and all the rest of that jazz splattered all over them.

Now a days, I have a fairly simple set up that I wait for.

I do watch market flow and structure, however I am not afraid to trade against bias.

I simply look watch the 15 chart and look for highs or lows to create a A/D divergence, supported by a SMT or USDX divergence. Buy or sell in the appropriate pivot zone, and use an OTE for entry during a kill zone. Take most of my profit off at the 1.62 extension and thats about it.

Michael has always encouraged everybody to find their ā€œownā€ unique way to trade, and trades that set up over and over again. The above is mine.

Fantastic thread! Iā€™ve been trading demo for just over half a year while learning from the pip school & traders/analysts online at the same time. Instead of playing with the 50k demo accounts, I purposely chose one that allows me to do as little as 3k for demo and Iā€™ve been gaining positive returns consistently (10 trades last week, 1 loss, 220 pips net). I still donā€™t feel confident enough to go live though as I believe thereā€™s still so much more fundamental & technical analysis to learn (plus I have a day time job so itā€™s hard for me to monitor the market all the time). My plan right now is to go live near the end of the year and start with just a few hundred bucks.

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A short term H/L is just 1 of those fractal markers, an intermediate term H/L is 3 fractals with the middle 1 being higher/lower than the other 2, a Long term H/L is 3 Intermediate team H/Lā€™s with the middle ITH/L being higher/ lower than th 2 either side of it.

Alright HOW to use it:- If a ITL forms you should anticipate a ITH forming up next ( your actually getting in front of the market here, you wont know where but your looking for it) If the ITH forms up below the LAST ITH then your in a bearish enviroment and you keep trading the swings short looking for the next ITL to form ectā€¦ All the while looking for the LONG term low to form up and tell you to switch to bullish program.

The interesting stuff happens when you DONā€™T get a ITH but another ITL and if that forms up higher or lower than the last one can tell you stuff too, there might be a bit of accumulation going on and you might want to be on your toes and mark these levels off as important.


I may get bashed for this one: but if that couple hundred bucks you plan on using - is ā€˜justā€™ a couple hundred bucks - and is not that important to you - I say go live now - gain the experience of live trading - WHILE your still learning - and know the actions you take then are ā€œrealā€ - - just my opinion - - of course I complete 180 that - if that money is needed for other things. :slight_smile:

I agree. Even a couple hundred dollars of real money will add the psychological aspect of trading. I think you will find your trading habits will change a bit.