What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I think I’ll have to get myself a copy of that book as well. Thanks for the update!

Hey Babypipsters! :wink:

Uploading the latest PTC video… Youtube uploader taking forever tonight.

AK… your NY Open was my trade for today… nice hunting. :35: Reviewed in the PTC as well as the “Z Day” for those that missed it live the other day.

You can look for the fresh release in about an hour or so.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Who wants a live ICT webinar on a 20 pips per day teaching? Sound like fun? :wink:

Who’s in? :54:

count me in

Me, and I’m sure everyone else is too lol

Count me in.

If I can make it I’m in.

In for sure.

I just watched the ICT PTC, and once again I have been thrown into a tailspin. According to what is marked in the video, ICT’s midnight is 1am NY time on my P4L clock! So my London Open kill zone has been 1 hour early, and my pivots have been off by an hour…eeek.

NY Open was spot on, and London Close was also OK (although I went for the 3 hour kill zone as suggested earlier in his videos) which is strange.

Could someone take the time to reassure me that the world is still round?:17:

Just tell me when!

Really good book, however a lot of the tools in that book (and most books on TA) seem to be based more on breakout patterns than anticipating price reversals like ICT teaches. It’s good to have the knowledge that those books provide, but I’m at a place right now where I’m trying to set aside a good amount of what I learned from books on TA and focus more on the ICT approach.

For most traders, it’s probably more beneficial to pass up on reading those books for now, learn ICT’s approach and mold it to your trading style. The more patterns you know, the more contradictions you’ll see on the chart. The more contradictions you see, the more you’ll sit on your hands when you should be entering a trade. For lack of a better term, K.I.S.S.

I’m up for it ITC,missed all the others!!


I’m pretty good at time zones and time conversions, so maybe I can help you.

Midnight (NY) = [B]1pm (Tokyo) — ICT daily pivots begin[/B]

8am (Europe) = 2am (NY) = [B]3pm (Tokyo) — Frankfurt/Zurich/Paris open[/B]

8am (London) = 3am (NY) = [B]4pm (Tokyo) — London opens[/B]

8am (NY) = [B]9pm (Tokyo) — New York opens[/B]

5pm (Europe) = 11am (NY) = [B]midnight (Tokyo) — Frankfurt/Zurich/Paris close[/B]

5pm (London) = noon (NY) = [B]1am (Tokyo) — London closes[/B]

5pm (NY) = [B]6am (Tokyo) — New York closes[/B]

For your reference:

Your time zone is JST (Japanese Standard Time) = GMT + 9 hours.

Japan does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

New York is EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) = GMT - 4 hours.

When the U.S. returns to Standard Time, New York will be EST (Eastern Standard Time) = GMT - 5 hours.

Until November, Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of New York.

Beginning on November 6, when the U.S. returns to Standard Time, Tokyo will be 14 hours ahead of New York.

I hope that helps.

Hey Clint,

It was very kind of you to take the time to do that for me. I can’t thank you enough.

I just feel relieved that I found out before actually starting to live trade the London Open. Luckily one hour does not make the world of difference to the pivots and so that is why I have been safe so far with NY Open and London Close.

Well, thanks again. You are now officially ICT’s right hand ‘Time Man’:5:

Ali, I watched tonight’s PTC video and I think ICT just made an error for the New York midnight line. I referenced the candles on my own platform at it lined up with 1am. You’re right it doesn’t make a difference really, but just so you don’t lose your mind or anything.

Although if it’s not an error, I think ICT just might not worry about the NY shift when EST goes on DST. His platform is GMT and he just treats GMT as +5 to his own time all year round. In the summer, EST is +4 to GMT, and so midnight would be 04:00 on his platform.

anyways thats the conclusion I got, good luck trading, and I’m excited for this 20pips a day tutorial, I hope it’s something I can trade with my schedule :smiley:

Im in, when and where ?

I didn’t take this trade but I watched it setup and was blown away how price bounced off that OTE zone. Has paid out 70pips for anyone targeting the 6150 level, and perhaps more to come? market flows were 3x down, but this was apretty nice countertrend strike for the bulls!

no, i’m not making this up. :o

I took this @ 1.6073, closed 1/2 at +40 and the rest at +60. So +50 overall.

Fast pips are the best kind :slight_smile:

Yes please, for sure