What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

As a son of a Vietnam Veteran and Grandson of a World War Navy man… I wish to honor in memory those who selflessly given everything in the call of duty. I don’t always agree with the wars… but my heart goes out to the families affected by the loss they experience. Salute and thank a Veteran.

I for one remember and will not forget… :15:

Before the cookouts, parades and hoopla… take time to reflect on the real meaning of this day.

mee to when is the new stuff Ict ha ha come on man I keep looking every day

Hi Manta,

Don’t be a tease! how do you incorporate ICT’s methods into your own style of trading? I’m kind of struggling with ICT’s way of trading to a degree - often feel like my head is swimming with info, so find it hard to make a directional call at LO/NY open. However, stuff like the ADR indicator, might be incorporated into something that is simple enough for even myself to understand. Without taking a tangent, would you give us a rough example of how you’ve incorporated ICT’s tools/ideas into your own personal trading style??

Greatly appreciated,



ps: where’s all the LO/NY open session chat room geeks gone every day? I was enjoying that!


As a veteran and I know I can easily speak for veterans in general, thank you right back. It’s gratifying to see that someone keeps things in perspective who has not been in the military. To some those scenes are pictures that they see but don’t really identify with. I don’t blame anyone who does not understand. It just shows that they have not experienced what others have. Life is precious no matter who you are or where you are from. Thanks again for the reminder for what this day is all about, for they gave the ULTIMATE.

Thanks to both of you :slight_smile:

Folks… let’s reflect a moment and take inventory on what we have covered thus far in this thread and the videos covering my concepts. I have watched as impatience has sunk its teeth deep into some on this thread and my question is this… What have you done with the tools already shared? Are your results improving or have you simply not put the time in with the tools and time of day to grow confident with the concepts?

If you are not atleast applying the methods and tools as described herein… do not move beyond this post. Go back to the first post of this thread and start all over. Believe it or not… I have already given a new trader 85% of what is needed for consistency to be possible. The rest… will be merely fine tuning and advanced concepts… that really depend on your ability to apply, without emotion, the core concepts already shared.

You know how to determine direction.
You know when to trade.
You know what to look for.
You know where to enter.
You know where to exit.
You know how to track smart money.

… before moving on… what are you lacking? :13:

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Personally I feel that I could use more first hand experience using the methods provided though they have already improved my trading. I feel that I have most things down and am pretty accurate with [I]most[/I] of my trades though I still do make some dumb errors that I clearly see after the fact. What I am really happy with though is realizing how these mistakes could’ve been avoided, learning from them, and making sure they don’t happen again. Another thing I think I could improve on is tracking smart money, I’m not completely confident in my ability to do this yet but it is improving :p.

Thank-you for saying this! I’ve been wanting to say this for weeks now, but I thought it would mean more coming from you. I’m glad you saw the need to say this as well :slight_smile:

Personally, looking at my last 3 months of trading compared to my last 3 YEARS of trading, there has been some monumental changes for the better. I’m more confident than ever that I have the tools neccessary to reach my goals, and anything else you have to offer will just be icing on the cake for me.

I share your respect and gratitude towards veterans, although I must admit I was a little confused at first because in Canada we honour our veterans on Nov.11 (Remembrance Day). My best friend from middle school is in the Canadian Armed Forces and did a 7-month tour in Afghanistan in 2009-2010 and I was just so grateful that he came back alive and in good health, I couldn’t imagine the toll it would’ve took on me if anything happened to him back then.

For my own part of it, I think that my worst enemy is myself!
I simply did not put the time into 'it in a consistent way.
Yes I am back to post 1 with notes and papers. Mather a fact, I have just completed my COT analysis for next week.

I think (in my case) I need to start with small personnal objective. I have blocked a daily 2h period in my agenda in order to complete my Top / Down analysis. Which i did with consistency last week.

I am looking forward repeat this objective again for the next few weeks. This will help me to build a daily routine.

So yes… I am a fan of post 1. And I hope to be able to post some charts analysis in a near future.


Michael Thank you for reminding us all today to spare a thought!!
Made me cry!


Grrr. Having trouble posting again. It might be the length of my post. Forgive me if it turns out to be more than one post.

Well it seems like that was quite an active evening/morning of posts that I missed! I was also in a reflective mood today, but I did my reflecting at the Toyota car museum with my son rather than at the computer. It was necessary to get away from the study for a day, and it really did give me some fresh perspective.

Don’t they say that you shouldn’t make any judgments on a system until you have traded it at least 20 times? Now if people are actually sticking to what ICT has laid down, and are only taking the best of the best set-ups, then I can’t actually see how you could have traded more than 20 times since all of the information has been released. If you have taken more than 20, then the likelihood is that you have been overtrading, just like myself!

So here I have to hold my hands up and say that I am guilty of impatience. Why else would I be trading 10 pairs at London Close? The fact is impatience doesn’t pay…at least not handsomely! AK did warn me that if I started to suffer with consistency then it might be a good idea to cut down the pairs. I hadn’t actually sat down and calculated my Fiber and Cable stats until today, and I think the results speak for themselves: 8 trades in 10 weeks, 7 winners and 1 BE. Not one loser! The 8 trades paid out 5.32% (March trades make the ROI low because I jumped on profits), compared to the 8.26% that 28 trades have netted.

Now if I had worked on my psychology and TP targets a little more, the potential for profits on those 8 trades stood at 11% on 1% risk per trade. That seems about right for the scalps that they are. I might also have been able to shut down my computer earlier most nights knowing that there was nothing available on those two pairs.

Of course there are lots of shouldas and couldas but the fact is I am a stubborn ass and I needed to see for myself! :28: In that respect I have no regrets. With the ‘Z’ trade I now have another LC opportunity and so I think I will settle down to trade just the Cable and Fiber. If I don’t see opportunities on the horizon for trades at LC Close, I will have an early night and boot up the computer the next morning to start looking at the Asian session.

As for the hard work I put in with the other pairs…well that will be put on the back-burner for a while. I think that extra 15% of info could help me out, but I am willing to be as patient as a Zen monk (no icon available!) In some respects the fact that ICT hasn’t published the extra info has helped me to analyze and think more critically about the trades by myself. Northern101 put a few ideas in my head (thanks N!), and I can now see that things are not as straight forward as they might seem.

Hello everybody! Since i’m a beginner i’ve decided to trade on support and resistance using fibbonacci ( took ICT’s advice). I use oandas demo platform.
I focus on one pair EUR/USD only. I do only 2 trades a day since i don’t want to overtrade ( bad experience, to many lost pips and emotions involved)

So these where my two trades i did on friday.

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As there was a new high that was created i had to redraw the levels accordingly to the new high. And i got this, where i also entered my second trade.

Imageshack - 27052011secondtrade.png

Criticism is much welcome.

EDIT: Why doesn’t the insert image work ?

[B]First let me offer you a million thanks for what you have already posted. It is very generous of you Michael and I think everyone agrees. [/B] It has helped me but I’m not where I want to be as a trader yet…the progress has been slower than I wish.

As for being patient, I have patiently waited and watched for your posts since early 2010. Let me offer one example of why some folks may seem to be a little impatient to you. No need to mention specific names here, but there was a post on your forum in April of 2010. It was in response to what you mentioned about your scalping method. Maybe I missed the info somehow, but I don’t think there is a text or video post on your scalping method. I for one have waited for over a year for this teaching and still hope you follow through on it. Patience is not an issue for me.

Likewise, I’m still looking forward to posts on swing trading, London close, Asian open and all of the other things you listed in the trading plan on your forum if that is still your trading plan.

I can only speak for myself, but I am limited on the "kill zones’ I can trade. The NY close and Asian open are my windows. So I’m still looking forward to your videos on these trading methods. If you have already posted 85% of your methods already, there seems to be a lot of subjects that will not be covered from the list in your forum. Is the plan posted here different than the plan posted in your other forum?

If I have it all wrong, please accept my apology my fellow Marylander.

No, no, no… I stated I have present 85% of what it takes for a newbie to develop consistency… not 85% of what I am releasing. Big difference.

Why the delay you might ask… I deal with a great deal of correspondence and questions… and if folks are struggling with the core essentials, it would be foolish of me to move on with a greater base of folks with a grasp on the central points.

Not that I am unwilling to assist the many inquiries posted here… I do and have hoped for others that have reached a point where they can field inquiries for newbies just coming on board with this thread. There are a few and I had hoped there would be more contributions for documentation that folks are indeed putting the time in needed to see it come together.

I assure you… you will have all the opportunities explained be it scalping, swing, position, option trading, heck even a S&P 500 day trading method for you action freaks. This is a labor of love and while I try to meet time targets… circumstances will and have presented speedbumps. :8:

I have scheduled the London Close for Wednesday release. this will be the last course presented in this thread. The thread is intended to address the newbie and if I filled it with everything I trade it would produce information overload. Secondly, much like a dog in a meat market… it would cause newbies that don’t know better to system hop without applying a single approach and learn discipline.

Will the complete plan for Pro Trading be posted in this thread? No. Will it be posted elsewhere? Yes. Will there be a catch? No. Will it take time for me to produce it? Yes. Will it be complete before September? Absolutely.

The 20 pip per day course is my next project when London Close Tactic goes online this Wednesday night. It addresses the complete 24 hour spectrum… all times, all kill zones. It is Scalping to the core. I was going to do a seperate Asian Session but since its so minor… it will be in with the 20 pip material.

I will be combining the Risk Management & Trade Entry & Management course with the Core Concepts segment after that.

The Swing Trading course will be after that. This is where I deal mainly on the London Open… where much of my work resides.

The Short Term Trading Pattern Collection I trade will be presented as a stand alone but you might be pleased to learn I will be releasing one per week in the PTC videos as a segment titled… “ICT Pro Tip Of The Week”. After I complete the list of Patterns, I will gather them into one neat little presentation. I realize some might be looking for new nuggets every week and this is my response to such hunger. :32:

The last installment to the plan… My Million Dollar Tools & Concepts where you get the skinny on such things as COT, Seasonals, Premiums, Interest Rate Tactics, Accumulation / Distribution Concepts, Option Trading, How To Earn 7 digits Per Year… and more we can’t disclose yet. :33:

Hang in there… :wink:

Thread members,

ICT has giving us a ton of stuff to chew on already with a deluge of more to come from his post. However, he made a remark a long time ago that i believe has been mainly overlooked and I would like some of the members to help me with this. ICT stated that 90% of the time you would see either the high or low for the rest of the day (meaning till the New York close) in the 4 hours after the London close.

That premise has been eating away at me ever since I read it. So, I set up a kill zone around the London open on a one hour chart. I messed around with this for awhile and found that if the kill zone started at 2am EST/EDT and ended at 6am EST/EDT, that being the hours of 2am, 3am, 4am and 5am, I came up with some interesting results. For the last three months that is March 1 thru May 27th, I got a 79.3% of the time that ICT’s statement was correct. During that time the 4 hours that I chose did the best at catching the high or low for the rest of the day. Now that is only a 3 month time span and not necessarily the best or most appropriate length of time to sample. However, I know that statistically E/U and G/U each average over 100 pips per day. So it seems to me that if we are trading in the right direction for the rest of the day from the high or low that was set in those 4 hours, well you get my point and that comment of ICT’s should be worth a million dollars. Now we just need to figure out how to best take advantage of that with the other tools he has given us. Please do the kill zone yourself and check it out. I would like to make sure I did not make a mistake in my calculations. I had 50 days when the statement was true and 13 days when it was false. 50/63 equals 79.3%.

Now with all the smart heads in this thread I’m sure we can come up with a way to make a lot more than 20 plus pips per day with just applying ourselves. Comments and criticisms welcome.


At the beginning: Thanks for sharing your methods ICT (: They are very helpful!

When I started trading about 9 months ago, I didn’t have a clue about anything happening in FX and just wanted to trade (: But I spent houndreds of hours reading and learning and demoing. I came to Fibonacci Trading very fast and it was showing good results in demo, but you improved my style a lot. I know much more and when to do trades - great! But I came across your thread about 2 weeks ago and I’m still reading and watching videos. (:

I started a live account 1 month ago and went with 5% risk per trade - I know… (: I was very happy when i made about 200 pips in the first two weeks, but then a bad friend - greed - decited to visit me. I started to open 4-5 trades at once, while overlooking the correlations between them, which I certainly knew about! But I just went greedy. I had luck at first and caught some pips and after that I had the idea to create an own indicator based system. Dunno why because my strat went well(Maybe because I wanted to get profits on each candle :P) (: I had a drawdown by 30% and after that I decided to get back to my first trading style and improve it with your material.

I’ve watched all videos expect some weekly reviews, but I already gathered some question and I hope some of you are willing to help me and answer them (:

  1. What is the ZDay everyone’s talking about in here?

  2. The first Post is mssing it’s links to the videos in 5.) Aren’t they finished yet or is it just a problem with the links? (:

  3. What do you listen more to: the marketflow or the buy/sell zones defined by the Pivots? I’ve often seen good entrypoints for long trades in the sellzone when marketflow was up. I didn’t enter because I wasn’t sure about them, but they would have worked out well for me and I’m a bit confused about that.

  4. How do you decide if you’re going to scalp or swingtrade one day?

  5. You mentioned a chat once and I’d like to join and read some more infos if it’s okay, but which chat do you mean?

I think that was all - for now hehe

Thanks for this thread and I’m looking forward to some answers (:


Quite frankly Michael, I don’t know how you manage to supply all this amazing information & personal help as it is, & keep a family going at the same time, so I’m more then happy for you to take your time.

There’s enough good info here to keep me occupied for the next 12 mths.
By my own admission I am a slow learner but I’d rather slow & steady & get the fundamentals right, as you say I’d rather not be swamped with a whole lot of good trading strats at once. it will cause more confusion & the thread could get messy with a ton of different questions on various tactics.
Keep up the good work & thanks again! :smiley:

Finally… I’ve been waiting for this to grab somebody’s attention! :35:

Have a look at the daily price action as described above. I’m not suggesting the extended Killzones are needed but you have been provided with the tools and how to use them.

Here’s a refresher:

  1. The banks monitor Daily highs and lows.

  2. The lion’s share of the money is harvested by entering {long or short depending on the direction of day} in the early portion of London Open and looking for the daily extreme {high or low} made in late New York.

  3. When the daily chart, be it market flow and or market structure is bullish - you will discover the open on large range days is 90% of the time at or very near the low of the daily candle… and the close at the opposite extreme end of the daily candle… in this case the high of the day. Reverse for bearish environments.

  4. The easiest Killzone to trade is the New York Open… the London Low or High gives you 80% directional bias when its factored alone… add to it the daily directional premise derived by Daily Market Flow and Or Structure… or any longer term Trend following approach honestly… you enter a mythological 90% realm traders only dream of or wish for in hindsight chart gazing. :cool:

  5. Key S&R levels will be the parameters that will key off stellar setups and provide swings on higher timeframes that make trading… dare I say it… easy… but you have to have the patience… I know that word again, to wait for the tools to line up and then set up your post and monitor killzones accordingly… let the prey come to you.

  6. This is how you make 20 pips a day… 3-5 times per week if you allow the market to give you the setup… and not force a trade simply because you want one or have studied price without a obvious setup forms.

Here is another tip… look at the futures contract times… when does it open and close? Then look at this information all over again. :13:

Enjoy folks!

[B]GLGT [/B]:57: