What exactly are the Symptoms of Emotional Trading?

Hi Gone,

I can see your point but if one is conscious enough to learn from others’ experience then one should. For many new traders emotional trading is “The Exit Sign”

Hi Noisypip,

I agree over your vision. Thanks for jumping in :slight_smile:


When you lose too much, i think.

Wise people say that the best way to learn something is to teach, so I am planning to write a few articles about my leanings from this thread; following are the initial ideas of the articles I am planning.

Each idea will be come an article in itself, I will try to elobrate as we move…

  1. Why Forex Trading is like a roller coaster ride?
  2. The Most Important Forex Signals you can’t afford to miss!
  3. Why Emotional Trading is The Exit sign for Newbie Forex Traders?

Yes emotional trading leads to big losses instead of small losses so declining account balance. When a trade moves against me I do not get a sick feeling in my stomach because I take a small loss.

Me too. Better being a fool who took a small loss for taking a bad trade than a complete idiot who have lost the entire account.

I have had it happen where I did not have a plan and when things went wrong it moved to fast against me. I will always remember that.

I should have wrote those articles. I learned the lessons the hard way.

Why trading forex is like gambling… easiest article to write.

I am writing many here…


Negative and even positive emotions have a detrimental effect on your trading. It makes you deviate from your current plan and it will make you lose money. I, having been an emotional trader, know this all to well. What seems to help is taking a breather once in a while. I looked for articles online, here on babypips, reddit, even profiforex, my own broker had articles on trader psychology and it all boiled down to detaching yourself from emotions while trading and sticking to your plan and going through with it.

emotional stability is a key in everything that is connected to any kind of risk. so technically in order to leave emotions away you have to follow ordinary rules which support ur mental health which are sport, good sleep and no spontaneous decisions which are not based on numbers

Destructive emotions such as greed, fear and rage are all the major contributors for failed emotional trading. Never be overconfident with the trade taken and minimize the losing position.

Fear damages our capital when we do not wait for some risk we every time close positions at lo loss. And greed says us we can get more and more , trader forgets his planning and risk management in greed ignores his sure profits it is a sign of emotional trading.

Emotions can affect our trade and keep you under pressure . When your trading decision is based on how you feel instead of going along with your trading plan then you are trading with emotion. Greed and fear is also one of the obstacle that trading face in trying to manage emotion while trading.

That’s right. Greed, fear and taking revenge are negative emotion which can give bad result in trading. But it’s not easy thing to be able control emotion well in many different conditions of market especially when condition of market is unpredictable. Doing a lot of practices can bring more confident and you should capable to minimize loss too although you’re confident with your analysis.

Symptom 1: Not being aware of it
Symptom 2: Mentally drained, tired, and confused during trading/monitoring
Symptom 3: In doubt of all the tactics
Symptom 4: Not trading your plan
Symptom 5: Switching tactics and/or horizons too soon, too frequent
Symptom 6: Switching brokers too often
Symptom 7: Blaming others for your loss and not willing to take responsibility for it

You are right , there are times where our mental not in well while the pressure is too high that mae our emotional being increase , maybe this make many trader get fails from their trades

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Yes we all have emotions in our trading and if we know about them and can adjust them so that they are not adversely affecting our trades then it will be good for us :slight_smile: