I am going through some code for a medatrader 4 indicator(Pivot Point). I got it off the net since metaTrader 4 does not come with it default.
So I been fixing the colors up since my back ground is all white and all the labels are white. So anyways I noticed they some code that draws some Camarilla lines.
I don’t know what they are. They got 4 of them plus the 3 resistance lines, 3 support lines, pivot point line and then middle lines between each of the pivots.
They named them like H4,H3,L4,L3
So not sure what they do.
Here is the code not sure if it will help anyone.
//----- Camarilla Lines
if (camarilla==true)
if(ObjectFind("H4 label") != 0)
ObjectCreate("H4 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[20], H4);
ObjectSetText("H4 label", " H4", 14, "Arial", Black);
ObjectMove("H4 label", 0, Time[20], H4);
if(ObjectFind("H3 label") != 0)
ObjectCreate("H3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[20], H3);
ObjectSetText("H3 label", " H3", 14, "Arial", Black);
ObjectMove("H3 label", 0, Time[20], H3);
if(ObjectFind("L3 label") != 0)
ObjectCreate("L3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[20], L3);
ObjectSetText("L3 label", " L3", 14, "Arial", Black);
ObjectMove("L3 label", 0, Time[20], L3);
if(ObjectFind("L4 label") != 0)
ObjectCreate("L4 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[20], L4);
ObjectSetText("L4 label", " L4", 14, "Arial", Black);
ObjectMove("L4 label", 0, Time[20], L4);