What is the best entry and exit strategy?

Hi guys,

Any advise on what strategy to use to enter and exit the market?

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Trading consists of a simple first choice - you can either buy because price has been rising and you think it will continue, or sell because price has been rising and you think it will spoon start falling.

So its basically either trend-following or reversal trading. Neither is right or wrong but there are risks attached to each choice and that’s where trading gets complicated. Charts are not complicated, but risk management is very difficult to achieve.

Trends are the most important and easiest pattern to identify. Reversal trades are for the highly skilled trader.


Thanks for the tips sir!

If you get the top/bottom right, weekly reversals are probably the best.

Have you completed Pipsology?

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Have you gone through the education section here? I suggest that you check that out if you haven’t yet.

Although I agree that entry and exit strategies are very important, it might be best to really have a good understanding of the basics! :blush: If you haven’t tried the school here yet, maybe you can get ideas from there too! :smiley: Good luuuck!

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