What Is The Best Trading Platform

I am currently buried in FXCM and there platform, what platforms are out there and why are they better…I read bad things about FXCM but i haven’t experienced them yet…

Taking the last question first, I have never used FXCM so
I cannot comment upon their “bad” reviews. The fact is with
all brokers that is the “nature of the beast”. With so many brokers
out there & so much money at stake in the various sub-cultures
of forex brokerage, the only way really to pick a broker is by
due diligence & in the end taking the plunge.

As far as platforms are concerned this is a question which is
personnal to the trader, what do you require your platform to do?

Do you just want to follow price action, therefore needing the
basic candle chart, or do you want access to all the latest “bells
& whistles?”

To name the few I know, a look through the forums will unearth more,
Metatrader 4 (through which ever broker you choose), CMS have
their own platform VTTrader, Oanda have their own platform, also
dbfx have a platform.

All of which can be found free on the 'net if you have the time
to learn the “in & outs” of each one.

PS A very subjective question.

I totally agree with Daydreamer65.

He has said it better than I ever could. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Anyone old enough that their trading platform used to be a newspaper, scratch paper, pencil, and rotary telephone.

I bet Dale or Tymen might have made a few trades that way at one time.:slight_smile:

What’s a rotary telephone?? :smiley: :smiley:

GTS plateform is the best for me, tryed others, wouldn’t use anything else

Vantage FX seems quite good as well from a demo point of view. Have had too many issues with CMC. Tech support useless when i had issues with their platform

Oanda has an elegant and very good Forex trading platform. Check it out.

The person asked this 4 years ago?