What is the real method to top in Forex

Hey!! Which forex platform are you using now?

No one can find fix rules to top in forex business. It is your personal interest, hard work , experience and got skill in trading that will determine how and when you will be able to get your targets.Reaching on top is not an easy task you will find written on any place . It is all practical work .

Unfortunately, the Forex market is unpredictable. So you can’t say this or that method is the best, like UMOFX AIR said. Depending on your risk and the type of question you asked, I suggest you find yourself a nice, high yielding expert advisor for MetaTrader and use it. Some have had incredible results.

I agree. And when doing forex business, one should not stop learning.

When it comes to methods or trading strategies it is individual. No one can give you already created method to reach the top in Forex. I’m using PaxForex platform and I’m very satisfied.