What next after babypips school

What should be next step for a beginner about to start demo trading? Should i subscribe to Nial Fuller or Chris Capre? or just demo trade on my own with the knowledge from babypips school?

I’d advise you to subscribe to Tradeciety and check out their Price action articles - they are free.
Nial Fuller has interesting articles too.
I read both but Tradeciety fits better for me, don’t know, maybe it’s about their writing style :slight_smile:

Thank you alex, i will check it out. Someone recommended forexfactory, i’m getting advises that i dont need to subscribe to learn price action better. Can you give me good youtube channels on price action?

What a load of bull.

@olupipin, Yes, by all means read the free material, but the reality is you don’t need to pay for education in forex. There is absolutely nothing these “paid” courses can teach you that you can’t google. Also learn to use google scholar as your search engine. You are far better using that money to open a small trading account and start trading live. You’ll learn far more that way and discover who you are as a speculator.

So my advice, use the knowledge you have gain and start trading live

Try this out So Stupid it Works

Well, I haven;t ever meant buying someone’s course , but reading free articles about pa patterns (!)
by the way, subscribing to the blog newsmailing is free to as far as I remember

And you can subscribe to 100 bloggers/newsletters/twitter accounts and they’ll all say the same thing. At the end of the day they are promoting their paid service.

Best we promote individual thought over group mentality. I’m damned if I’ll let some blogger influence my decision.

great! you are so motivated bob! thank you, i’m on that thread right now. so stupid it works!

thank you alex . i really appreciate

I buy books on the subject to deepen my knowledge, I subscribe to 10 blogs that I read publishing weekly, who are experienced traders who give very good advice, and I also like to participate in discussion forum to learn On the subject and find a mentor.

Hi olupipin,

I don’t think you should pay any amount of money to learn. There is literally millions of free method to trade forex available on the internet. You have to explore and digest strategy after strategy and finally stick to a few of them that you feel comfortable with. Using strategy that you are unable to understand well or have no faith in it is a useless strategy. I think Babypips is the best place to ask question about forex. There are lots of helpful experience trader to help answer your query. I can recommend 2 other useful website to continue your journey in learning forex. You can search for
"Forex Strategies & Systems Revealed" and “forexfactory”. The 1st site is quite raw and the 2nd one have tons of strategy or useful stuff for download.

End of the day, you need to have good money management, discipline to cut losses and lock in profit whatever the market gives you per day so as to be consistently profitable. Good Luck!

thank you alpha.i need to get my feet wet.

Agreed, it’s a dog eat dog world - one reason why experienced members are so quick to shut down BS