What's cooking?

One of these? haha

That sounds amazing! Any toppings?

haha, I’m asking about toppings as if ice cream weren’t good enough already…

How old school are we talking? Deputy Dawg, or Thundercats?

Wow, it’s got a lot of features. Sure gets the job done!

I bet everyone’s mouth starts drooling as soon as they smell the hot grill!

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The Bearded Butchers show you how to cut and cook pork tomahawk chops.

How to Cut Pork Tomahawk Chops!

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Those band saws scare the bejesus out of me. Always.

I like how these guys are in shape. They’re older, but they kept in shape, and they seem passionate about their profession. Very cool!

And that pork fat makes my mouth water!

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What’s not cooking is pork, bison burgers, various tequilas, ground turkey in tomato sauce, and maybe spinach.


They cause swelling in my feet. I’m getting old, it seems.

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Wow really? How do those make your feet swell?

Here in the US it’s called gout.

Brought on by purine-rich foods and drinks. Your body creates uric acid to break down the purines. Too much uric acid in the body can lead to that acid crystalizing in joints, which causes pain and swelling.

No fun!

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Yeah, doesn’t sound fun. I’ve heard of gout, but I never knew anything about it. Thanks for sharing about it.

I just read that it’s helpful to drink lots of water. Does that help you?

Not that I can recall. My pain is 100% either in my feet or in my thumb. Red, swollen, tender and hot to the touch, about the size of a quarter. Lasts anywhere from a couple of days to a week. The first couple days walking is incredibly painful. But I have friends, who drink daily, who have had swelling in their knees to the point of needing crutches to walk.

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Need another use for honey besides your tea? How about to heal wounds?

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Not all honey is created of the same quality.

Red Flags When Buying Honey

Not all honey is created of the same quality. In fact, a lot of honey sold in American supermarkets is fake and has been heavily modified. The honey you will buy in retailers is not the same as raw honey, changed so it lacks the nutrients that make it so healthy.

The honey that you purchase in the store is not the same as unfiltered raw honey straight from beekeeper. In fact, it’s thought that 76% of honey sold in American supermarkets is mislabelled. Many honey brands modify their products, eliminating the nutrients that make authentic, pure honey so healthy. Here are some red flags to look out for when buying honey:

9 Worst Honey Brands to Avoid: Ultimate Guide (2023 Version) - Stay Home Take Care

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That’s a good point. It’s important to read the labels–don’t just look at the front and buy. Read the ingredients.

Honey isn’t a welcoming environment for bacteria and microorganisms, stopping it from going off.
The site also suggests that it impedes bacteria.

It’s good that this page also suggests a few good brands. Thanks!

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One guy posted - We Europeans often rant about how strict EU regulations of food labelling are but seeing this makes me really grateful for them.

How Americans Are Tricked Into Buying Fake Food


Those “E-numbers” are definitely a good thing, overall (though you do see plenty of people complaining about them?).


Similar issue to people objecting to financial services regulators, really: some folk are instinctively so opposed to the principle of “regulation” that they’d rather take what others would consider horrendous and completely unnecessary risks than allow any body they imagine (often wrongly) to be “governmental” to restrict anyone’s freedom. :roll_eyes:


While at the grocery store, I actually checked out the honey section. Each bottle’s ingredients say: honey.

But some have a more specific label. On the front label, some of them just say ¨honey¨. But others, the more expensive ones, say ¨raw honey¨ and such. I actually saw one bottle of raw honey that said it maintained the original natural enzymes.

It’s more expensive, but it’s worth it for that kind of quality. If I’m gonna spend $4 for a bottle of honey, I may as well spend $7 and get the one that still has the nutrients I’m expecting from honey.


here in america some stores get away with selling corn syrup as honey

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Hence the cheaper price, right?

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yes, but also there is not enough raw honey to supply the demand

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Hence the expensive price, right? haha


Yes, and should be lable - raw

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