What's something you think traders don't talk about enough?

Thanks, and we all trade a little different, see the charts different and even have different risk and pain thresholds lol. Great thing about trading, is with the right approach we can all make a little money.

I’m not a fan of the posers that come on and try to sell or get followers by just saying "hey listen to me and do what I’m saying " . Got to show me some substance. Or like you said, some proper explanation of how they trade and not just recycled online things they’ve heard.

Traders don’t talk enough about the necessity of learning and practicing. Well, no doubts, that all traders understand this necessity, nevertheless they should talk about it much more than they do now. They should always share their experience and explain novices this necessity. Well, moreover, traders less talk about psychology. Some of traders don’t believe in trading psychology and think that they can easily control their emotions and setup their mood correctly, however as we can see the most cases when the account was blown happenned because of lack of psychology actually. So, these two things matter a lot.

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You mean like “I can share some of the stuff on here… (secrets)”? :wink:


Mannnnn…don’t bring that mess in here. :rofl: :rofl:

He might really think you want him to show you the light.


But only 50% of the time. :wink:

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That’s it though. It has to be live or a recording. Can’t do it any other way. Books also got me in the habit of looking for exactly how the book presented it, when it doesn’t have to be that.


Hi @Alg626, I have taken a note on this subject and intend to cover this with backtesting the FT5 in the next few weeks. I have already reviewed one live backtest session and it will be easy to get a screen capture of before, entry, during and after events that are set up in the EAs that I intend to review. We will start with the EAs included in the package, but I really look forward to seeing if I can master the capability of entering your own high level plans and have the simulator go through these, and even try to optimize the settings for any particular indicator.

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for me ,i don’t see people here questioning.

back when i still learning ,i question about indicators ,stoploss , Jesse Livermore and even rules of forex trading.people tend to swallow others’ perspective and spread it again.when ppl lose ,they tend to blame themselves for not disiplined enough,not this not that bla bla,why dont we just question the “system”,who make the rules and why they make it that way? why is forex trading rules different from stock?is that what makes you losing money? i would love to see such kind of question being asked.

If we talk about serious traders which generate positive returns consistently then I think they will be reluctant to discuss how much they earn and of course their know-how, trading tricks because money is involved there.

Trading plans and strategies, not because of someone will make more money than them but newbies can copy their styles which can blow newbie’s account which is not ethically good.

Most traders have terrible risk management and chart analysis.

Why so many are dependent on useless TA and chart overlays.

Oooooh. :open_mouth: That’s a very interesting way of looking at things. :thinking: Hmm. I bet a lot of us here have questioned the “system” at one point of our trading careers, but ended up just submitting anyway. Haha. :smiley: Because the system in place has been established even far before some of us have been born. :sweat_smile:

That makes sense. :thinking: It’s normal to think that those who have “unlocked” the key to forex success would want to keep the “key” to themselves. :sweat_smile:

Oh. :open_mouth: Yeah. That’s another view. A strategy that might be working for you may not work for someone else. :thinking:

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I think this is something very common among newbies, and there are moments when I’m also guilty of this actually. :sweat_smile:

You got me right!


Yes, I agree. Traders don’t discuss strategies. We should discuss them more often in general.

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Yeah it is important to take clues from other traders’ opinions because despite scarcity of valuable information you can still discover some ideas for trading

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Generating ideas from the information is a better bet here.

I would have to agree! :blush: I think we all have different approaches to trading, and it wouldn’t hurt to know more about how we do things. :smiley: But I do understand also that some people worked extra hard and event spent money on their strategies, which is why they’re not too excited to also discuss it with others. :open_mouth: