What's something you think traders don't talk about enough?

Agree, especially for beginners. :smiley: But I think it can also be a bit controversial cause I also have some friends here who are not big fans of stop losses. :sweat_smile:

I think one thing we don’t talk about enough is stress management. Yes, we do talk about trading psychology and managing our emotions. But most of the time, we only talk about suppressing our emotions which is not at all practical. Instead we should learn to address and accept our emotions so that we can manage them in a better way.

Traders often overlook the importance of managing emotions while trading. To be a successful trader, it is essential to manage emotions in a healthy way when making market decisions.

One topic that many forex traders tend to avoid discussing is the emotional and psychological toll of trading. While there’s a lot of focus on the technical aspects of forex trading, such as analyzing charts, reading news releases, and managing risk, there’s often less discussion about the mental and emotional challenges of trading.

Yeah, I agree with you. Traders also experience emotional and psychological challenges such as stress, anxiety, and burnout due to the demands of the market and the pressure to perform. And they must start discussing these problems.

Everyone has their own choice to make. In my opinion, choosing friends over a lucrative business is a bad idea. Your business is your livelihood. What’s the point of having friends if you have no steady income?

Friends will understand and make compromises for you, if they really care about you.

Don’t be scared to test your bonds with friends and loved ones. You’ll find out who’s really riding with you.

Traders tend not to talk a lot about their mental health condition.
It’s very essential for trader to be mentally stable, because emotions control, is one of the most decisive thigns on the market. Once you lose the control over your emotions and surrender the wish of closing the order, you can lose huge opportunities.
That’s why patience is still considered to be the very trait of a trader that characterizes him as a professional. Traders often tend not to talk a lot about their mental health condition, because the majority realizes it’s in poor state.

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Evolution of capital (slow), this is the one fundamental driver to you succeeding, everyone is educated to the creation of capital (speed) and that rarely has a happy ending, we are training someone now who wants to be a hedge fund manager, this is our working plan.

IntraDay trading increase their capital from $2k to $10k+ over 6/9mths
IntraWeek trading (mid-timeframe) increase capital from $10k+ to $100k+ over 1-2yrs
IntraMonth trading (long-timeframe) trade $100k+ using hedge fund returns over 2-3yrs

The last one is used to incubate and seed the fund, in 3-5yrs assuming they learn everything from our knowledge base, they will be able to launch a full hedge fund out performing their peers at every level.

I don’t think there’s any such thing! :smile:

IntraDay trading increase their capital from $2k to $10k+ over 8 mths: 62.5%/month profit
IntraWeek trading increase capital from $10k+ to $100k+ over 18 mnths: 55.5%/month profit
IntraMonth trading trade $100k+ using hedge fund returns over 30 mnths: n/a

It seems intraday trading has the highest growth rate per month. In that case, just keep intraday trading and eventually you will outgrow the intraweek trader.

On your quora page:

20% per day seems unreasonably high, don’t you think? Rather unrealistic, no?

“It seems intraday trading has the highest growth rate per month.”

It doesn’t work that way but the uninitiated truly believe it does, 20% per day is obscenely high, but I’ve managed to get to 20% per week, and yes I did make that number on Friday but it covered the entire week.

Apparently you have no idea that 3days on average make up 95% of all gains for the year in the stock markets, and is magnified in the Futures and Forex markets (quarters/months/weeks), meaning if you generate 20% in one day you don’t have to work for the rest of the month.

Anyway, enough chat, things to do, time for new cheese :grinning:

how to prevent blatant self-promoters, spammers and idiotic bots from filling forums with garbage :open_mouth: :crazy_face:


Hahaha. Is that how you speak to people? I can imagine what you must be like as a mentor.


which three days?



keep calm and dont feed the troll, lol.

obviously there will be a few days out of any year that will produce the largest profits, but which three days will it be?


Good one. Solid advice too, lol.

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