What's the #1 most frustrating thing about forex?

I don’t really understand what you mean…knock back experts? Please clarify…

For me the most frustrating thing about forex is the fact it is a lonely proffession.

Another frustrating thing is another traders, the not so newbie ones who conceals pride and greed with “positive atittude”.

The most frustrating thing for me is when i buy an indicator and it do not give me what i need as the programmer programmed it to be. I just begin to be sad about it.

The most frustrating thing about forex trading…is Friday 5pm until Sunday 7pm! At least…they should let me enter in trades and save them after a weekend of research :slight_smile:

The people who says this is gambling.

Haha, must be aussie slang coming out. In other words, I should not be taking advice from anyone no matter who they are, expert or not. The best choices are made by yourself and yourself only, trust yourself.

It’s complicated, I don’t want to talk about it ;’) changing strategy whilst in a trade…