What's the best non-trading book you've ever read and why?

Yeah, I agree. Although generally i’m really not a fan of horror, there is something about Stephen King that makes me feel content.


I have read “In Search Of Lost Time” by French author Marcel Proust, which follows the narrator’s recollections of childhood and experiences into adulthood in the late 19th-century and early 20th-century which I find very relatable and connectable.

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I saw the movie Ghost Dog a long time ago, and the movie is based on a book called Hagakure.

So, I bought the book and it’s one of my favourites.

It’s a series of quotes and short stories from an old samurai. Basically, a man met an old samurai and wrote down different things he said.

They’re in no particular order. But they all reflect an old way of the samurai.

One of my favourite stories is about Master Tokuhisa. He was born different from others (whatever that means), and one day invited guests for mudfish salad. When Tokuhisa brought the dish to the table and returned to the kitchen, a guest jokingly said ¨Master Tokuhisa’s mudfish salad!¨ and everyone laughed.

Later, when Tokuhisa returned to the room again, a different guest repeated in a mocking manner ¨Master Tokuhisa’s mudfish salad!¨

Master Tokuhisa pulled out his sword and killed the guest.

The event was investigated and Lord Naoshige said ¨To be made fun of and remain silent is cowardice…A man who makes fun of people is himself a fool. It was his own fault for being cut down.¨

There are many but the most recent one I read is this one.


I love reading non-fiction books especially the ones that are related to mental health :blush: I am quite lazy to read fiction and I don’t know how to fix that :slightly_frowning_face:


Read Harry Potter! haha

I was never much of a fiction fan. I had read just a couple fiction books. Then one day I was sick and was stuck at home. I read the last book of the Hunger Games, and I couldn’t put it down. After that I read the Hobbit. Then I read the Harry Potter series.

I say you read Harry Potter. Those books live up to their reputation.


@dushimes As a kid, I loved harry potter books, I still am fond of them, but couldn’t get time to read them. I recently read ‘Desert Start’ by Michael Connelly and I loved it. But yes, Harry Potter is one of my all-time favorites :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow! It is actually one of the few fiction book series which I managed to complete successfully :laughing: I really enjoyed reading it as a kid and won’t mind reading it again as an adult. I also love the Percy Jackson series :blush:

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My ex wife is a literature snob and tried to make fun of me, amongst friends, for not being as well read as her.
I replied that I had read one book that was so good I never needed to read another.

The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger

She even agreed with me! :sunglasses:

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Hmm, I heard it’s a good book, but i haven’t read it myself.

Can you tell me more about it? I got curious about it.

For those looking to live not just longer but better:


Very good book. Basically stuff we already know: exercise, lift weights, avoid sugar and carbs, and eat a ton of protein especially when you’re older!


Well, now I don’t have to read it. You just summarized it! Thanks

LOL. You’re right. His protein recommendation is crazy too. Basically 1 gram of protein per pound of your weight!

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Yeah, that’s if you’re lifting heavy weights and trying to gain muscle. As we age our metabolism slows down. That’s why eating less and less carbs is healthier. No carbs is best for some, depending on your body type.

1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, isn’t that much.

That’s what he’s saying, the older you are, the more you should actually be lifting weights lest you want to be just stuck in your bed/chair the rest of your life and become frail.

That being said though, you’re right 100g isn’t a lot but I don’t like some sources of protein like cottage cheese. Not sure I want to venture yet into protein shakes so I’m just getting mine through mostly meat / yogurt.

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Don’t forget about fish, nuts, and eggs! Do you like fish or eggs? Sometimes seafood is expensive, but eggs are usually cheap.

Are eggs expensive near you?

Yes. Organic/cage-free eggs are about $6/7 a dozen? How about where you are?

I love nuts but can easily overeat them lol

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Almost the same. About $5 for a dozen organic eggs. I also try to get organic milk as much as possible. Oh, and organic yogurt. Mmmmm!

But organic is soooo expensive, so I can’t buy it all the time.

Well, better nuts than candy! At least nuts have healthy fat as well as lots of minerals. I try to eat mixed nuts. Even nuts are expensive! haha

But I have to remind myself that it’s better to spend a little extra money on healthy snacks than go cheap and get cookies. Although, sometimes I do have cookies.

I don’t eat candy so that’s not so much of a problem. I love ice cream however lol.

As for yogurt, have you ever tried skyr? I love it. Ever since I discovered siggi’s, I don’t eat any other type of yogurt! I’ve also recently discovered the beauty of frozen berries. It’s amazing with yogurt!

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