What's the simplest system a beginner can use?

that would require some experience. The first stage is win fast, lose faster :slightly_smiling_face:

So learning PA is a time thing mainly? Any beginner tips on what to look for or where I can learn more?

I do have a magic 8 ball! Iā€™ll give that a shot too.

Use the search tool for ā€œprice actionā€ ā€œsupport and resistanceā€ ā€œsupply and demandā€

There have been some classic threads on these topics that should resurface once you start digging.

You could try these on youtube too. look for the scruffy trader, nononsense forex, and whatever comes up with these searches. I wouldnā€™t recommend paying money for anything yet. I would imagine most of what you need is already available on the interweb for free.

It would be worth checking out the trading strategies forum on this site and perhaps take a look at forexfactory.com too.


Every trading system has its own pros and cons in it. It also depends on the brokers that they restrict any type of trading and your personal choice as well. You must try different systems and whichever suits you the best you can further go with that.