When country sleeps

I would love to know what happens to a currency and it’s exchange rate in a pair when one of the country goes to sleep e.g when trading EUR/USD and the U.S is not yet awake what happens to USD

None of us know. We can’t predict the market so I can’t tell you how the pair moves during that time

due to the fact that one of the pair is asleep does that not show inactivity of the currency and according to the little i know market demand also is a force in the fx market will be absent due to the situation of less activity through sleep so even at these points is it somehow possible to ascertain the performance of a pair

the different sessions do have their personalities I think is what you are trying to get at

in my experience just different in activity. When the market is live you can see a lot peak in a pair.

yes that’s what i’m trying to get at can you explain their personalities to me

To answer your question when UK and New York sleep us guys down here in New Zealand and Australia trade with the Asians. And don’t get much movement in the pairs so we wait for London to open.

when you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a particular session you develop a sort of intimate knowledge of the trading patterns

You then can pick up on certain irregularities depending on geo-pol news and more importantly, economic numbers/releases

it would be better for you to watch and take in all this over time

to all you getting your feet wet trading is work