When to quit trading

A trader should quit trading when he is consistently breaking his/her trading rules, when you cross to the gambling lane. There are a million other ways to make money.

However, when do you call it in a trading day? when you hit your targets - stop loss or take profit. It is a good discipline to know shutdown your trading station for the day or week when you have lost what you planned to loose or made what you planned to make.


If you want to survive in trading, you must first acquire knowledge. It is never possible to make a trading profit without trading knowledge. As a trader, I love to do research.

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Noted thanks alot.

Noted thanks.

Never! I was on the verge of quitting when I was losing every trade for almost 6 months. Instead I took a sabbatical and resumed trading after some months. I became a swing trader instead of a scalper and my fortunes sort of turned. So don’t quit, just change your plan.


Well thats really motivational and wise to do. I think the problem is people want to start making profits as soon as they can and dont really have the patience to work on their skills, try and test different strategies and see what works best for them.

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We must understand that first of all trading is a very Risky business. This is why we need to learn and develop our Trading Skills so that we can earn profits from our trades.


Quit if trading is causing harm to your life or your living standard. Trading can be rewarding but we must not let it affect our lives because that will surely affect your trading and then it becomes a deadly spiral.

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There is no such obligation for you to keep trading but all you can do is keep trying. You can set a target and work on your strategy.

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when the time comes you start spending more than you earn or losing in forex and in order to recover the losses you start investing from your mandatory saving in that case you need to quit the trading.

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There is no harm in taking a break when required or if you want to quit completely, you can but may be after analyzing things you can come back with a better trading plan.

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Forex trading is more of an individual’s personal domain. That means you are the one who must take all the important decisions regardless of what others have to say. Enter a trade only when you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you are already doing good in your life. No need to waste your money on doing something that won’t do any good.

I trade Engulfing Candles. Never Ever trade after weekly Goal Hit !!! You will Learn … we all went down that path

(scalper) :muscle:

When you feel that you can’t do this anymore. You can quit.

The first scenario is a bit romantic,like the guy who sells his home goes to a casino puts it on an even money shot and wins, then never wagers on anything ever again, this would take immense self awareness and discipline or madness ,obviously this is luck, there is a guy who owns a well known brand and UK football team who is known for massive one off bets and rumoured to have lost millions on a single spread bet, trading the markets. The person who starts winning at trading without much experience and dose not want to learn more, might as well back a horse ,football team ect , The advice from the more experience traders is to practice on demo a strategy for at least 6 months,this to find if its consistently profitable, you will continually become more aware of the ,markets "quirks"and how they move .As it stated many times one of the flaws of learning to trade, you can have lots of early success, regardless of the lack of trading experience or knowledge

Well my answer to this would be when you feel you have no more money to trade. Set aside an amount you are willing to invest and once you feel you have done your best and there’s nothing better you could do, then you should stop doing it.

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Indeed. If it comes to trading with somebody’s else’s money it’s time to quit.

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If i am consistently losing then i will rather take a step back, spend some time on making strategies and then come back.

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I’m sure that there are no reasons to quit trading in case you’re really dived into it. Of course there are some cases when you’re about t quit trading, as you’ve mentioned, big losses or good profits, but is it possible to make lots of money till the end of your life? You have to dedicate at least the half of your life to trading in order to achieve such a goal. I guess that it’s really possible but not every tradet will manage to do that. Moreover, you have to quit trading if you see that there are no profitable results of your activity, the hardest here is to understand that you have to cease. Lots of traders continue to loss their money and turn trading activity into gambling.

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You must have a clear trading plan and a well-defined daily loss. For example 3% of the deposit. And while your plan is working out - to trade. Or if it has reached the daily loss, stop. There is also a rule - if you hit a big jackpot - stop trading for today. Since you will feel like a winner of the market and you will start to lose.

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