Where did i go wrong with this trade i placed in demo Acc

I placed a short sell market order and whilst in the order area filled in my take profit and stop loss

It clearly says on my order in the pic
sell market order for 0.91373 for 1887941
shows SL @ 0.91416
TP @ 0.91266
what i dont understand is it says
order executed @ 0.91456 @ 05.00 hrs on the 28 / 5 / 24
It was no where near 0.91456 but it was at my take profit mark mark of 0.91266

I am lost what am i missing

So it deducted negative -$1713.38 from my demo account

I am obviously not trading as yet but i really have no idea where i went wrong any help, explanation would be much appreciated as i obviously dont want to make the same mistake again
Thank you in advance

ps i did try to post a chart of the trade but you are only allowed 1 image unfortunately

My guess is that what you’ve slightly misunderstood is the reality is that no system has a 100% win-rate and that some trades will always lose without your having done anything wrong.

who are you?

Who are you
is that the answer

Sadly life is not as simple as that -

Here’s a link to a thread I started a while ago - maybe that will help you “get a feel” of what I’m talking about.

No, it is a reasonable question to a new member from a trusted and knowledgeable member who spends a lot of time helping new members. So I’ll ask the same question in a different way. Please introduce yourself with a bit of background, why you have joined Babypips and what you hope to benefit from being a member of this group? :smiley: :pray:


Well i apologise as obviously i am new here and did not mean to offend, but the question was very direct,
Im sorry but you know in this age that is not the way to approach someone
Had he approched me in the street and asked me the same question as it was asked, you may have got a lot stronger rebuttle in real life

Had it been asked in the manner you put forwards with some form of introduction as you have done then my answer would have been quite different
So yes i am new to this forum i am here because i love the technical side of trading obviously have a lot tolearn not that good at the moment, i have traded stocks in the past more as a buy and hold, but got sick of the missed milestones etc etc and really i my opinion you are the mercy of the co and how the board move the Co forwards Where in the forex field yes i understand the market is volatile but as a trader really you are only answerable to yourself you lose its down to you you win its down to yourself you are not at the mercy of anyone elses decisions with regards to your financial gain or loss

what do i hope to gain from this group well the word HELP is the first thing that springs to mind hence my question in the forum Forex trading is totally foregn to me and obviously i would not even dream of entering the markets live untill such time as i feel proficient, and have actually set myself up with a trading strategy that shows it can be profitable, but the trade that i put on i just dont understand how you can join the market at market then set a TP only to have executed at your TP mark but be out of pocket, and i see no reason why in my chart in the time frame i was looking it shows no spike anywhere near the executed value i am obviously missing something hence my question
So thank you for your manners Mondeoman
Very much appreciated

same as your first post, without even “hi” … it is easy to judge others without see yourself. Be kind for community where you are looking for help

i posted because i thought i was doing the right thing by posting in the beginners area and wasnt aware that introduction was actually neccasary
the question was direct because i thought that was what was required
Perhaps i should have said hello My bad
But i have apologised i didnt come here for confrontation
Was i judging anyone at all no, i asked a question that i dont know the answer to
I am happy to move forwards from here without being judged or judging anyone for that matter
but if that is to much to ask then fine i will move on, no problem
Your call

The usual reason for such conflicts between client and broker is when the client has not understood that the chart shows only one price. The market actually quotes two prices at any one time, the bid price which is the price at which you sell, and the ask price at which you buy. The difference between the two is the spread.

Usually price charts show the bid price. They do not show the ask and they do not show the spread. The spread can be anything: it might have been 1 pip when you set your orders, but 10 minutes later it could be 2 pips or 20 pips or anything in between.


Thank you Tommor
Much appreciated and this spread is a constant change is it
Its not a set number then

Dude LOL we are here to talk about trades this is not your family and friends chat group! ohhh you didnt say hi in your first post! that is something really not logical in a chat group. and you do not answer others questions with “who are you?” he may not be willing to say for any reasons, answer the question or if you cannot, dont say nothing!


You are right @VasilTodorov it is not family and friends group but still it is community. Where you join to any type of community it would be nice to introduce yourself instead of taking about problem, it is something what you are taking from home :slightly_smiling_face:

as a trader i have learnt to use things for their usages! i do not use a toothpick to clean my ear! I do not join trading groups to greet. i am here to ask my trading questions and answer others if i wanna greet i will join dating websites.


It is your point of view :slightly_smiling_face:

It seems like there might have been a misunderstanding with the execution price. Double-check if the platform includes spread in the execution price. Otherwise, contact your broker for clarification on the discrepancy.

You must understand that there is latency between your terminal to trading server. Especially you are using your home internet. This make slippages.

Thing is getting worse when you use Trading View. You must see there is a red colour double strips on the upper right area. It indicates the price is delayed around 4 seconds. So the price will be delayed 5 seconds. To have a real time price, you have to be a premium member. Even though you are a premium member, if you are trading a time sensitive strategy, it’s not a good option to use Trading View.

The best real time platform is still MT4/5 and cTrader. If i have to pick one, MT5 is still the best one.

In Trading View, if you want to have more accurate entry, use pending order such as buy / sell limit or buy / sell stop. Market order means you are placing an order base on current available price. Not what it shows on the chart.

Ok Thanks for the reply Gary much appreciated

Thank you TYG