Heard a lot about it but couldnt find it … Some help please thanks
Um… Theres a button at the top of the website with all the other buttons, and one of them says school… Or you could google Babypips school if you really cant find it…
Im actually using the babypips apps On mobile … Any idea where its located in Apps? Thanks a Lot for the info btw
Yes it is true that now a days a lot of traders are using the Baby-pips on Mobile as this allows them easy and convenient access all the times
In terms if Apple devices, you go to “more” at the bottom, then choose “extras” & it opens the BabyBips site & you can navigate to the school section from there while still inside the app.
Hey iwasaki,
We don’t have native mobile apps for the School of Pipsology. We only have native iOS and Android apps for the Forex Forum, as you’ve already realized. However, the School can be viewed from any web browser, mobile devices included.
when I subscribed to a forum, I got both email and alert in my iOS apps. Is there anyway that I just receive the alert on my iOS apps without the email. For now, I need to clear the email and the alert for the same post.
If I subscribe to a thread on my phone (usually because I’ve commented), just use the arrow in the top right-hand corner & unsubscribe. Then when you use that arrow icon again (you may need to refresh it first), you can choose to subscribe again & on doing this, you’ll get the option of whether you want emails or not. Just pick no.
It’s not the best way but it works, then you’ll just get the wee number notifications at the bottom when you open the app.
Thanks. This really helps.