Which 3 topics of math are most relevant to forex?

Hey Z,

Well, come on you know better that. There are plenty of reasons why a math professor may not feel compelled to join the markets. You know, some people actually do enjoy teaching math. :wink:

Your a math guy too I know, I think your taking your education for granted.
You may have forgotten what it is like to be at the maximum math level of a Grade 10 student, because that is the level a good percentage of people in the world have. This doesnā€™t even include the possibility that many people who do not continue on with math perhaps did not continue because of unhappy grades. If God could grant you a wish, that says Z Iā€™ll take you back to the Grade 10 level and completely erase any of your math training afterwards in UNI and refund your tuition, would you go for it??

Hey Xtreme,


My math and engineering background have served me very well in days gone by thatā€™s for sureā€¦

And, NO, I would not take ā€œGodā€ up on that dareā€¦ :slight_smile:

But, that doesnā€™t mean that my mathematical aptitude has helped me much in the marketsā€¦ maybe it hasā€¦ maybe it hasnā€™tā€¦

But, YES, I am very proud of my Engineering ā€œresumeā€ if you willā€¦ itā€™s because of my past, that I can now do what Iā€™m doingā€¦

Which is, getting as much oil as possible out of the ground in Texas, at as fast of rate as possibleā€¦

And, kicking *** and taking names in the Forex markets.
