Hi there i have problem

hi i have problem posting
since my last topic was removed and
there is one little B :eggplant: :peach: that keep hiding and flagging my post where ever i go and i cant find it and make me just guess random and flag them back
we need some sense of humor ,i can make fun with friends i know them long enough on bp so i cant make a post so family friendly every time
but as moderator can you tell who was flag my last post ??
thank you

so I got reply from moderator as my post was off topic
who is in bp post always on topic ?
if i got no value that they not see in my post , should i see their well written their describing of pip and pippet as value stuff?
i got confuse what is value posting and i dont see for long time now
i still need to know who is flagging me so i can move in to my black list

Hello m.k.a.,

The problem with any statements, even humorous ones, is that they can sometimes be understood as the complete opposite, taken out of context, or not understood to be a joke among friends.

Your best bet in situations like this is to PM any moderator, including @jess, @nica, @Pipcrawler or me (@pipstradamus) about any flags you receive when you have questions about them. We all have the power to put those posts back if you explain your side of things. Randomly flagging other members helps no one, and could potentially hurt your status in the community in the future if done inappropriately.

But yes, moderators can see who flags a post. That’s a benefit for us because we can see the members who are taking an active role in keeping the Forums clean from inappropriate posts, while also allowing us to see if any members are flagging for questionable reasons (such as retaliation). However, flagging information is never shared outside of the moderators team. Members can rest assured that flagging is safe and completely anonymous to the rest of the community. If it wasn’t, the idea of community moderation would disappear, and more problem posts would exist for longer amounts of time out in front on the community.

And we’re absolutely all about humor. It’s one of the founding principles of our existence, to “crack as many corny jokes as possible”, while teaching you about the basics of forex trading. So just touch base with us whenever you have an issue.


I didn’t get any respond why my last topic was removed , I mean you replied me but then I still text back on that case and didn’t get any respond after all

The problem with any statements, even humorous ones, is that they can sometimes be understood as the complete opposite, taken out of context, or not understood to be a joke among friends

the problem is you guys are sensitive , this ruins it
and my post wasn’t statement
if it wasn’t funny again who was the one flag me ???
I really would leave community if you make simple thing so complicated
I just want find out who is flagging me if its moderator or members
and if you saw the post why moderators keeping the post as hidden
I think I got it just not posting is a best option it keeps everything so clean that no one get hurts :smirk: