Ok, I will do my best to give some insight into my successes ant the tools that got me to where I am. I know this is opening a can of who knows what and it will invariable deepen an apparent rift in trading styles and invite all the perfect traders of the world of Babypips to call me everything but a successful trader. Quite frankly, I’m done with the whole mess.
Now, there are great possibilities to every trading style, and there are pitfalls. The key is to trust in yourself and your ability to know what you are seeing. Forex is not a place to jump into with your fresh live account and hope that, by using a system that worked well for you on your demo account for a month, is going to bring you to undreamed of riches. Every currency pair, at different times, acts in different ways. That is the nature of the game.
The key is in knowing how your selected preferences act at your key trading times. Yes, every trader should take the time to study something on candlestick patterns, but that does not invalidate the use of indicators as they generally confirm or deny what candlestick patterns are telling you. Further, good indicators, and your ability to remember how they act on certain pairs at certain times, can be a crystal ball all by themselves even without candlesticks.
To attain this confidence level in any “system” you will, are, or may want to use takes time. I personally spend upward of 60 hours a week in front of my screens studying and testing indicators and application theories on different pairs at different times to better understand the “nature of the beast”. I have been doing so for almost a year, and still feel I have much to learn. But I also have access to one of my mentors all the time as he too spends an equal amount of time in front of his monitors. He has been doing so for nearly 7 years, and he too is still learning. This is said only that everyone will succeed or fail based on their ability to trust whatever they know about trading, about the pairs they trade and the times of day that are being traded. If you miss a trade, its ok. There will be another one coming. If your style is such that your find yourself “making” trades, you will lose. “Taking” trades that are valid is your true guide.
That being said, let me explain the differences between “making” and “taking” trades. If you have the mindset that you are getting in and out and in and out, but showing losses, you are trying to force a trade that inevitable hasn’t truly set itself up yet. “Taking” trades consists of trusting your knowledge of the pair you are monitoring, the signs, or indicators, or patterns, or whatever, and taking what the pair is giving. Don’t be greedy. And for those of you who say money is the root of all evil, let me use the words in the proper context. “The love of money” is the root of all evil. What is the love of money? GREED!!!
In the next post I will list a set of MA’s I use that are common to every chart I look at and why I use them.
I ask that if anyone should choose to post on this thread, they do so in a non abrasive fashion. Questions are welcome as long as they are sincere. I am not selling anything and don’t plan to in the future on this or any other thread, post, forum or chat on babypips. What I have received freely, I freely share and would expect the same in return.
Live long, love strong, good health and good pippin,