Why do traders Fail?

Trade without a trading plan.

they join IML…

Well there may be so many reasons for that. To sum it all they lose because of their themselves only. You lack somewhere that’s why you lose. Now you need to figure out whether you are too emotional, impatient, not using a right strategy or what is the cause.

I started trading in June of last year and unfortunately blew my account very quickly. I started on a demo account which was going well and then signed up to a broker. Looking back, I was always going to fail :frowning: a friend of mine then introduced to a London based analysis firm who then helped me to basically start again, recover my loss over time and I’m now out the other-side. The hardest part was accepting I needed help! The markets can be a dangerous place for someone without any experience. Good luck in your journey!!!

Traders fail because of poor risk and money management.

From the basic, I can distinguish; greed, unwillingness to learn, and wrong morale. It is these factors that provoke new traders to make mistakes. To get rid of the first, you need to find a suitable trading strategy. As for training, everything depends only on you and your desire to develop in trading. Morality is the hardest to control, and you will need time to stabilize. Only when you do not take losses very seriously, the problem of your morality will disappear.

Traders fail because they listen to some dumb guy like me on the internet

The Ever Mobile VIPER

“Be Mobile, But Do Not Move” B.L.

Traders fail because what works in trading generally doesnt work in other spheres of life.

We are educated to impose our will on the world to get ahead - think movers and shakers in the world of business. But you can’t impose your will on the market without getting kicked in the butt.

Traders also fail because we go into fight or flight mode when we start losing money - the acute stress response means we literally lose our minds and can’t think logically.

This is regardless of how great our trading strategy is - in the heat of battle will lose our controlled awareness.

To succeed in trading you have to find out a way of minimising the stress response.

One of the reasons day trading is so hard is not because of market noise, but because it triggers fight or flight much quicker and more often than longer term trading or investing.


There are many factors why traders can fail. Some of the main factors are inexperience, greed, lack of strategy, unwillingness to learn, and possibly excessive impulsivity. Over time, a good trader should get rid of such shortcomings and continue to trade profitably.

At the first instance those traders who are doing their trades with no planning do fail as they are not able to get any profits from their trades.

Forex trading does not depend on luck. There is a lot to learn in trading. And if anyone thinks this is a game, then there is no fool in this world like him. Many people have succeeded in life by trading Forex. There are many secrets behind their success. Their success did not come overnight. So you have to give up greed and take trading seriously. Then it is possible to make some profit. Always keep in mind that a lot of people are performing in trading. If you have this kind of mindset then you can expect something good from trading.

Dis is the root of soooo many problems. Proper education is the cure for most of the problems failing traders have. :smiley_cat:

This is 100% true. This is my forex journey summed up right here.

We need to learn how we would be able to earn profits from our trading and also become a successful trader.

Many traders start trading under the influence of the glamorous life of traders that they witness on Instagram but trading is hard work, involves bearing a lot of responsibility and coping with emotional turmoil. Failing to deal with any of these results in financial disaster and for many traders this realization is when they decide to quit.

The reason for the failure in trading is undoubtedly lack of knowledge and proper strategy and management. Trading is a risky practice we have to take utmost care while making the investment.

Most of the traders fail i the forex market because of their low knowledge. Proper knowledge is very much needed in this risky platform.

great answer.

poor risk management, lack of confidence and not control on the emotions. these are the factors responsible for a trader’s failure.

Sometimes you have to take the wider perspective. Maybe there isn’t a rational REASON why traders fail. But perhaps there is a rational PURPOSE in their failure. After this relatively quick and cheap learning experience perhaps they will see more clearly what’s really important in life and will have learned a thing or two about how to get there.

(by what’s really important in life I do mean money)