Why doesn't anyone use the chatroom anymore?

Last year the chatroom was brimming with people. Now it’s a ghost town. What happened?

Dunno about others but the one complaint that did the rounds was the incessant mentorship requests…which could account for the ghost status or everyone’s busy trading.

But how am I supposed to find a mentor now?!? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been in the chat room a few times recently & despite being the only one there, I stayed logged in to see if it would entice anyone else in…nope, I was Billy No Mates for about an hour or so.

It’s disappointing that it’s not utilised these days, I’ve had many a good discussion in there.

Maybe some sort of anonymous login would be a good thing for experienced traders. I know you’d get some quacks but they would be weeded out pretty quick…