I use Fibs and I hit 90% and yes for the last 18 years these “tools” have delivered in radical returns. I can easily haul in 100 pips per day few times per week. I hope I can answer for the sake of bob as it does relate closely to my style of trading.
Then I have to challenge your pride here. Can you present us your track record for the last 18 years of consistent “radical returns”? If so, we should all be learning from you.
In a world where “hard facts” can be fabricated… I prefer rather to walk forward as I have for months here… simply look at a few videos and you see Fibs in action and not in hindsight. If you can’t see that as more valid, I can’t help you. There is no pride here… if that was the case I’d say something like put your Gann against my Fib analysis… I can use either to validate the same.
Why do folks take a helpful hand and smack it away, I’ll never understand?
Here is a copy of my trade log. If need I can back it with account statements so you know I didnt just type some crap in. You can aslo verify these trade on multiple threads on babypips
I will also go out and say alchemy7g I just gained alot more respect for you by your comment on gann. Thats what you follow thats fine but you stated if it is not about gann your not interested. Well that means to me that you took the time to learn the tools you are using. That was the point I was trying to get across not attack you personally. Although I think that was the direction we wound up heading.
But if you said that Fibos are no good for trading and Gann angles are… then I guess you have hard numbers about the two tools… would you care to share?
I see… well that explains it then. I can rest easy now that we have arrived at the barriers. :5:
It might be insightful for you to look into how a few of us here use Fibs and it might compliment the Gann studies used in your Trading. Something to think about at least.
Yunny to his defense I dont think he never claimed that (it was someone else). It was just the statement something along the lines of I dont care why they work that got me fired up. Just like any tool in order to use it correctly you must know how and why it works.