Why is Forex trading so HARD?

Forex trading is hard if you want to make a consistent profit. This is cos indicators often don’t work and there is a strong streak of randomness which cuts through the logic that we use to analyze the markets. There are the quirks of the market makers on top of this and the unpredictabilty of the news/global events.

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I would say it’s in-between, depending on the kind of trader you are and how well you react to different emotions. Because even as an experienced driver, things can still go wrong. So consistency and hard work will make things a lot easy.

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Trading is a business that is highly risky. Without the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the market, that cannot be carried out effectively. This is one of the reasons why trading is challenging and risky.

The volatility of the market is what makes it a risky venture. Any financial market we consider is risky because of volatility, and forex is no exception. When it is combined with other risks like counterparty risks, low liquidity, negative market direction, and extreme economic, social, or political crisis, trading becomes hard. It is hard but not impossible. If we have the knowledge and risk management in our toolbox, we can trade easily without suffering huge losses. Of course, with risk management and knowledge, emotional control is also crucial.

Forex trading is full of opportunities, but at the same time, traders are exposed to various risk factors. As a trader in the forex market, your duty is to trade along with those risks as risks cannot be eliminated from the forex market; they can only reduce their magnitude.

Lots of post on here about knowledge

No good without the “right mindset”

When you realise that you have a chance

Due to extremely unpredictable markets and economic circumstances, it is believed that the Forex market is difficult. The best chance you have of surviving long enough to generate positive returns is to carefully manage your risk so that you don’t go undercapitalized while gaining expertise and knowledge from trading with a live account.

True that! Also, beginner trader should consistently practice and keep learning regarding forex markets.

Learning and practising are crucial in forex trading, without any of them, we cannot expect to trade and forex trading will appear to be hard.

Yes, trading in forex is difficult and complicated. However, if you learn ins and outs of the market and put forth your best efforts to learn and understand it. Then it will be easy for you to trade in forex.

Well said; actually discipline plays an important role here! That’s why most of the traders lose their momentum so quickly!

One might find understanding forex hard and confusing. But appropriate knowledge and development of appropriate skills can help in making a good start.

It’s not that difficult…we just make it difficult by giving up so early. Everything appears difficult at first, but completion is not impossible.

Market volatility is a big challenge here. Regardless of how strict a plan you create for trading at times, the market can be unpredictable which could lead to a loss.

Sometimes strategies don’t work out. That is one of the most typical problems that I believe every trader has faced.

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I think the difficulty level of learning or trading forex would vary based on the person’s mindset and grasping power. But it will get a lot easier eventually as you gain more knowledge and develop skills as a trader. I did find it quite hard when I started learning everything from scratch but I was able to make it easier for myself by taking time and putting in effort. So, it can be hard but it does get better as you continue learning.

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Because if it was too straight forward/simple Trading it wouldn’t exist

Everything will get easy when a trader sticks with their trading instead of complaining that forex is hard. If forex is hard, it is because it is just the beginning of the game. It will become a lot easier when a trader persists and trades with consistency and discipline. A trader must be willing to learn; that is the key to success.

The hard part in forex trading as in any other thing in live : Find the truth or find the correct information .
First time when I see Google on 2001 , I was thinking now all life in my hand and everything become so easy to find , this is correct but i did not know that finding the truth will be come hard and exhausting like that . And day by day , become harder and harder

If you find the truth you are on the way to be so successful in everything you want to do in your life

Its is considered hard by people who are new to the trade with little or no knowledge. As in any other sphere, Forex becomes interesting when we have the right knowledge, strategy, plan and experience. The ups and downs are part and parcel of this journey so the right mindset will be the effective tool to steer through it. Passion for a certain trade always helps to consider it Hard or Easy. Dedication helps a lot in learning effectively and applying the measured principles.

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