Why NOT to SET stop losses in FX trading

Before I get told that I work for FXCM (I wish) or the banks (imagine!) could I just say how good FXCM and Jason Rogers (also of FXCM) have been to me since I started? Here is why:

  1. when they had an error on their systems one Sunday night, my margin call losses were partially refunded, straight into my account, after a trading inquiry was completed;

  2. all my trades have been executed as I wanted them to, whether profitable or not;

  3. the research and educational materials from the FXCM page, their webinars, and those from FXCM’s

    research arm, DailyFX, have been absolutely outstanding, and I continue to follow the videos and

    articles from their top instructors (like John Kicklighter, Chief Strategist, who followed in Kathy Lien’s boots);

  4. for a while, DailyFX ran a Guest Editor programme, so I managed to get one FX analysis article published;

    although the programme has been cut, it was a great experience with a great editor (Nick Mango - thank

    you) who would write back to you with edits and really work to get the best out of your ideas.

[B]For all of those reasons, FXCM have my loyalty, my money, and my trust.[/B]

Another described problem caused by spreads already 2 pips then widened by the broker due to liquidity issues. Never mind guys just widen your SL or go to an ECN platform.

Couldn’t agree more. I also had a full refund the one and only time their system had a hick up, I’ve had them for 3 years. Not one problem. Hands down best mobile charting and interface too. I trade solely from an iphone so that was a big issue for me. Plus you can add fxcm and dailyfx members to twitter, guess you don’t have to be a member tho, like David Rodriguez who is constantly updating his analysis and how he’s viewing the markets. He posts invites to webinars all the time. Each day they tweet about 1 or 2 different strategies and how to use it, usually gives results of using the strategies over years. They are client focused and it shows. Bravo Zulu fxcm I’m also a devoted client

No I don’t work for fxcm

This practice is now forbidden by both the CFTC regulator and the self-regulating body NFA, here in the US. If you’re finding this happening with a US broker, find a way to prove what occurred and file a complaint with both regulatory bodies. I’ve not had this kind of thing happen with the 3 US brokers I use since registration with both bodies became a requirement via Dodd-Frank.