Hi @Johnscott31, I respectfully disagree… J. Livermore was an early 1900’s Stock Operator… He traded Share Markets, todays (OTC) Currency, Metals and Commodities markets are very, very, different…
Trading Share Markets… You OWN the Shares… You’re a minor shareholder in an actual enterprise… Stocks have a set price World Wide… ONE price, anywhere in the world at any given time…
Currencies don’t…
Every Broker pushes their own price feed, some can vary a little, others are not even close…
Todays RETAIL Forex Markets are more akin to an online Casino… and can be manipulated by LP volumes, News etc. Even overall sentiment can not be measured as there is no single exchange.
EURUSD, GBPUSD can have various values… Broker (LP) dependent… (See example of XTI above)
Call it speculation, gambling, whatever… I’m Speculating/Gambling that Black (Not Red) will be next on the Roulette wheel… Retail CFD trading is no different… I’m Speculating/Gambling that AUDUSD is going up (Not Down)… it’s that simple…