Why some brokers don't want to reveal their server location?

Why some brokers don’t want to reveal their server location ?

Hi, I think for security reasons. Regards Greg

What could threat a server locaton of a broker… if it’s a security reason, why do some brokers reveal their server location?

If this answer is important for you, ask broker which reveal server location why they do this.

Maybe you should stay away from brokers that don’t want to reveal their server location. Most of are not transparent. I know my broker’s server location. No big deal.

With current technology, how can we hide servers? Can you clarify more

I did ask the broker who revealed their server and they also don’t know why other broker don’t reveal their server location. They don’t have any reason not to reveal their server location… which make me question what could other brokers possibly hide

Different brokers have different server locations and the only way you find out is from asking the brokers… unless you now other way to find out these server locations ?

For me it sounds weird because for example I want to set up VPS with lowest ping I’ve to choose the closest to the broker servers or even better opt for collocation. So the information about location is essential for trading. My current brokers like Tickmill, Hotforex, IB and even past (Exness, etc.) are pretty transparent on that matter.

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That’s strange. My broker even though being offshore i.e. turnkey forex has openly revealed on their website, their server location. Here screenshot from their website.

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IMO, the info about servers can not be classified because traders need this info in order to choose EA for automated trading. To achieve lower ping you have to choose VPS located closely with servers. So not info about trading means no opportunity for automated trading.

Its mostly for security reasons.

may be hackers to hack them down if they find their server location, just a thought.

If they have issues with security they should NOT offer services to clients because along with stable trading conditions, security of our personal data and money should be guaranteed by the brokers.