Why we need more (good) female traders

Hello @dushimes ushimes,

thanks for the post. You put a lot of thought into it. I liked reading it because it reminded me
of how important it is to have these conversations, because it is no use just talking about issues
with people who think the same way. Yes, we have a different perspective on this, but some of
your points are valid and, beyond that, we are all entitled to our opinions. I respect that you have
engaged and I am grateful for the civility with which you have done so. The digital space is brimming
with aggressive people who would have responded to this topic in much less considerate terms, shall we say.

I am now going to step aside and let others join in this conversation, having seen my posts and yours…

@saykimes brief answer: I felt like this for a long time, meaning, I felt it was important to talk about this. I do not lose sleep over it or think about it every waking hour of the day; however, the idea of inclusivity in society is generally something that I feel is important to me. I have nothing else to offer but this answer.


OMGGGGG!!! PipMeHappy! :joy: I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE HERE AGAIN. I’ve always loved reading about your interviews with female traders before, and now you have them on video! :blush: It’ll be much easier to listen to while I monitor my charts. :sweat_smile:


I came across this thread 2 or 3 days ago and there were many things that I agreed or disagreed with but as @PipMeHappy said we are entitled to have different opinions and it’s perfectly fine but you know there are few things that we can’t easily forget about and they just stays there in some corner of your mind and you can’t stop but think about it.

This is exactly that one thing.

Men and women are not the same. Nature has designed us in different ways. For instance men are more muscular than women, male bones are bigger and stronger compared to females. Emotionally, men and women react differently to different situations and they also have different interests. But that doesn’t decide the eligibity and we can’t use them as barriers to stop one gender from entering a particular field.

There are complex differences in both the genders which are hard to understand but that doesn’t mean that men are better than women or women are better than women.

Women on an average are shorter than men but there are women who are taller than average men. In the same way, there are less women in trading but that doesn’t mean that a female trader can’t be better than a male trader.

So, I think it would be wrong to say that men and women are not equal. They are equal but not the same.

(This is just my point of view, no intention of challenging your opinion, just shared what I felt)


Great post, thank you!


Meet Michele ‘Mish’ Schneider:





Hello traders!

Check out my new interview with Angie Gaskill, trader and investor!

@Ananais @Penelopip @ria_rose


Bumping this up :))

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Welcome to the thread @dushimes - Some yeas ago I posted a link to the “Skavlan” discussion with Jordan Peterson and it was studiously ignored by the OP in the same way your points have been.

We now have number of female traders who frequent the site and at least one of them seems to be doing very well :sunglasses: - Why ? - as you say because they “WANT TO” !

OP doesn’t seem very interested in these ladies and his emphasis is more directed towards those he feels should be occupying PAID employmment in institutions as “Traders”. Indeed one very famous female trader Linda Bradford Rasche was interviewed by hime and gave his leading questions regarding the sex of traders very short shrift !


Interestingly things have moved on somewhat over the last few years and Douglas Murray has published his book “The Madness of Crowds” - have you read it ? - the chapter on feminism is paticularly relevant and I immediately thought of this thread when I came upon his discussions on “Male feminists” - and “Cuttlefish” - here’s a link to a little under two minutes on the subject from the man himself ! - follow the green writing -

"Douglas Murray | The Similarities Between Cuttlefish and Male Feminists - YouTube


Hello @Falstaff how are you? It’s been a while. . .

Good to hear from you, and indeed we had these discussions before. I think it is worth having them always, even if ‘the matter is settled’, so to speak, in the mind of any of us: new people will see this and, as @dushimes , @JannikHofmann and others have done, may want to say their bit.

You know my views on this and I am interested not only in other, diverse points of view, but also in finding compromise. I am not ‘right’ but I know how I feel about things. And you feel about them in a different way, let us say. I think that is fine as it is. We do not have to agree.

Regarding women in trading and finance: you may say that I am not much interested in female traders who are on BP… The point is, I do not know who they are, except maybe @ria_rose and @PipNRoll (who may have left quite a few years ago). However, while many people may say that they want change but do not have the opportunity or time to do something about it, I am doing my bit by finding women in finance and trading who are willing to talk about their experiences - like Linda Raschke, as you mentioned - and post these for the benefit of all women out there who want to know what women in the finance space think about working / operating in it.

Now, does it matter much that the traders that I am interviewing are not on BabyPips? That is for people here to decide, but Twitter is where I was able to more easily find those women in trading and finance who had a story to tell and were generous to engage with my project (if that is what I could even call it - maybe too grand a word). I think bringing those voices back to BabyPips is important to me because this is where my journey started, and I want the community of women traders (or aspiring traders) on here to find these voices out there and listen to them, maybe in the hope that they will hear something that resonates with them.

I hope this makes sense.

PS: I have not read Murray but one day I may do. It is all matter of time and priorities. I am very open to reading anything that opens the mind. Thanks for the recommendation. It was good to see you are still around. Take care.



Thanks! That’s quite interesting. And yeah, I’ve seen that. Male feminists are pretty much wolves in sheep clothing. Wolves in the sense that they want the same thing from women that the other men want. Except some men will agree with women in order for women to lower their defenses, and the male feminists fall into that category.


Regardless of this discussion, I hope that people on here will watch and find my interviews interesting.

This is my seventh interview and
I have more planned. I will continue
sharing them with you as I am very
happy to showcase these traders.



Yeah well lets just ignore anything I’m not comfortable with ; :rofl:

To an extent “our kid” - But women are Not stupid !


The truth is that during their most fertile time of each month - many women indulge in “Girls night out” manouvres :smiley:

Whilst their “Soy-Boy” bloke babysits at home. Then coming home pregnant from a chance encounter with an “Alpha-Male” - or even just “best available that night” - says

“Oh- joy” - we.re pregnant - (HAVE A DNA TEST BLOKE)

Now - we can pretend this is untrue - lol - but - fact of the matter is - It’s proven !

"Who is John Galt "


You and I are on the same page. haha

However, some people disagree. Fine, whatever. We’ll just agree to disagree.

The bottom line is that I don’t care about any trader’s gender. If you can exploit an edge, good on you, and I’d love to hear your story.

@PipMeHappy keep the interviews coming! We all enjoy them!


Now there you and I are not in total agreement - some matters are important and the title of this thread is “Why we need more female traders” (the ‘good’ was a later addition) - ie it is intended to promote females over males and to explain exactly “WHY” this should be the case.

Now it seems that you and I DO agree that work should be done by those who are the most competent, irrespective of what Nature has decided to put between their legs whereas the Original Poster’s entire position is that ALL that is important when deciding on employment selection is precisely that one factor - ie what nature has put between the legs of those applying for that work and that those with penises should be descriminated against - purely on that one factor alone. This thread is/was intended entirely to propagandise that point of view and in my ‘opinion’ the nature of the title demands that those of us who value competence over sex join in the discussion and promote our own ‘point of view’.

We have already seen the domination of teaching and health industries by selection on that basis and the fact that virtually anyone who can stand upright and walk down the street without getting run-over qualifies to enter university degree courses and that men and boys are now ‘Going Galt’ regarding what nowadays passes for “Education” - we are almost put under an obligation to express ourselves at the unfairness of this propaganda and demand justice for men and boys - whether in Employment, Family Courts - or indeed in having their views heard in the form of publicised “Interviews” thus;

Please don’t presume to speak on my behalf ! :wink:


I was extending an olive branch. I have no idea who enjoys the interviews and who doesn’t. I just didn’t want to dominate the thread with my opinion. Although, that’s kinda what the thread is for…

I don’t mind debating, but I can’t change their minds any more then they can change mind. After a certain point the argument just goes in circles. Even if you’re right, the other side isn’t listening because their defenses are up. When people’s defenses are up, they’re not actually listening. They’re focused on their next rebuttal.

I’m sure you’ve come across arguments like that. How many times have you tried explaining to someone why they’re wrong, and they just refuse to listen?

After moments like that, instead of that person walking away thinking that I’m against them, I prefer to say something nice to mend the lines of communication and bring us back to some kind of common ground.

In the end, I don’t care about a trader’s gender-- just their
margin. If someone wants to promote female traders, good luck. I wish you the best. The sun still rises in the east, and water is still wet. I couldn’t care less.

michael jackson popcorn leaving


Yes I saw this as well and I thought it was very interesting and I think it would be a great thing for many reasons to incentivise female trading. However it is not because women are being held back by any force of our culture or society that many of them do not trade. It is because the traits that are associated with wanting to manage money and profit from price movements in a market are more akin to masculinity than feminity.


At the end of the day, it is just a forum thread. I would not spend so much time and energy trying to fight whatever it is that one disagrees with on it. The thread is open and unless the comments turn derogatory or defamatory or completely off topic then there will be no censorship. But the best policy when one does not like what one hears is to look away, yes, because it is not possible to always win, or to always change minds. This is my thread, my project, and nobody else’s: one person’s dislike or contempt for it will do nothing but, if anything, strengthen my purpose to continue.

Thanks to @dushimes for the olive branch, appreciate it.


I’ve always loved these interviews ever since I got here @PipMeHappy! :blush: I’m super grateful that you’re giving these amazing women a platform and a chance to share their experiences. :blush: There still aren’t a whole lot of women traders and although that’s not necessarily a threatening problem, it’s something interesting to look into. :blush: I’m excite for your next interviews PipMeHappy! :smiley: I’ll be cheering for youuu!


Thanks @ria_rose Maybe some day I should interview you!


Yeh it’s good for Female Traders to trade fofex