Why we need more (good) female traders

The fact that women are more emotional is an absolute truth. Maybe that’s why there are not so many women on forex, as forex and emotions are incompatible things.

Really ?


As I watch ITV as I type, I watch women interviewing women about “How they feel” that their “Fathers” or “Husbands” have commited suicide

84 per week, 12 per day, 1 every 2 hours. That is in UK alone - check the figures in your own country.

So if life is so unfair to women and they need huge institutional support, why is it that it is males who are killing themselves throughout the Western World

To quote the last line of the Article I linked to ;

“…encourage everyone, government included, to come together to take suicide seriously.”

Note the omission of the word “male” in that line ! :cry:

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Thank you for your tolerance and refusal to just use the standard “put downs” against my posts @PipMeHappy - RESPECT mate ! :relaxed:

[Edit - to ayone who has joined the thread at this post, please read my post above this one - thanks.]

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We are our worst enemy: given that we hold the most positions of power in government, you would think that we would understand men’s issues better… In fact, male politicians are no more active in male-targeted policymaking than female politicians are in female-targeted policymaking, because once you get stuck into the beaurocracy of being a politician within your party machine you can lose sight of your roots, including your own gender.

So before we go blaming others for reverse sexism, we should ask: given that we (men) occupy the most seats in the legislative and judiciary, in parliamentary committees and in other such institutions, why are WE not doing more for men’s mental and emotional wellbeing?

A great training programme started by two black women in 2017 in the US hopes to educate and turn women into empowered traders and investors:



I have never been a member of any club or institution that was male-only. And I never will be.

Neither have I, but then many women too do not like ‘women only’ clubs. It is a matter of personal choice - whatever floats your boat :slight_smile: I welcome all points of view here, more or less conciliatory/militant/balanced/opinionated, because otherwise there would be no debate. :slight_smile:
However, groups that focus on women should not be made to feel sexist, because men are disproportionately represented in the trading/investing scene, so we obviously do not have as much of an issue in terms of access, confidence, and intention when it comes to joining that market. This is why women, disproportionately more risk-averse and conservative with financial investment, do benefit from women-only groups that endeavour to create support and encouragement to show them that investing is not crazy or too risky but actually, if done properly, a sound way to grow.

How good Girls Gone Forex is in terms of training is not for me to judge, nor am I advertising anything for personal gain. . . :slight_smile:

It just seems very odd that if a minority group feels passively excluded from the majority, they form a group which demands and endorses active exclusion from the same majority. Seems like a circular route back into the same old ghetto.

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Great to see thread still going. Finance is still very sexist, racist and any other ist you can imagine. It seems like this will keep defining the industry for years to come.

In the end investing is so personal that people will easily bring prejudice into it. In my opinion if you can prove yourself to yourself. Then you can work within your individual groups. E.g. Women working with women, minorities with minorities, gay with gay, etc. This is what modern finance has become. Sad but true.

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Hello there Emerald, how good to see you again. Are you still with the Trading Club? How is that going?

Yes, you are spot on about the finance industry, it is indeed…

Feel free to start a BME traders thread, i do not have time for that, but it would be interesting to hear from

ethnically diverse contributors to see if they had any experiences to share.

Happy Trading!

Hi Pip, I am around in the shadows, lol! Traders Club is doing awesome, just happy to have impacted the lives of a lot of traders. Clearing the delusions was never easy, brokers did a number on most people but for the most part I think I am doing a good job.

I am doing less and less of the hand holding but I still work with quite a few private clients, mainly those looking to go pro on multi asset, so currency is just a part of it. I am also launching my first VC project for the developing countries, a lot more to be done outside of the Euro continent in business, feels like the old US frontiers men, only I won’t be slaughtering any natives lol.

Beyond that I am still me, not too much time for the forums but on quiet periods like now, I will drop my 2 cent comments here and there.

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a woman is more elaborate and calculating all risk…event $1 loss…they will not let that happen…lol


Thanks for your message here. I am so happy that your Traders Club journey has been successful… It is great when you can be in a trading business where there is a genuine calling to help new traders trading safely.

Wow, venture capital liasing in developing countries sounds great! How is that leaving your spare time larder? Mine is already far too depleted, and not too much time for forums either!!


Meet trader and mentor Mandi Pour Rafsendjani


Hear her speak on episode 129 of Desire To Trade podcast:


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Check out the global network: WOMEN IN ETFs


"Women in ETFs is the first women’s group for the ETF industry. Founded in January 2014, WE is a non-profit organization that brings together over 3,200 members, including women and men, in chapters in major financial centers across the United States, Canada, EMEA and Asia Pacific to further the careers of women by leveraging our collective skill and ambition. "

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She is a derivatives trader at Vanguard, based in Philadelphia. Here she talks about her experiences, including what it was like to be the only woman in a team:



Twitter is an amazing place to find many, many successful femal traders.

Maybe through media’s eyes that it’s a male, dominant environment but let me tell you, there’s some amazing females absolutely smashing price action trading and posting verified trades over twitter.

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